Image: Tom Morris - Wikimedia Commons
At Christmas time this year, we were asked what we were getting our three year old for his main present. Our reply was that he was getting a bike, and he'd also get some toys from Santa.
Whilst happy with our gift selections, we were quizzed on whether we were getting him an iPad too? I was happy to reply that he wasn't getting an iPad for Christmas, as he's only three and quite frankly, at a cost of over $350 I think I should be first in line myself to get an iPad before my toddler. However, since Christmas I have noticed that a number of my son's friends were in fact gifted with iPads for Christmas and it's left me wondering at what age iPads are provided for kids.
I have no doubt that they offer some great learning for kids with the number of apps available, but I'm concerned with starting a reliance on technology too young. I also love kids being kids and playing with toys and getting outside in the fresh air. I'm sure it's a case of everything in moderation, but what is an appropriate age for kids to have their own tablet or ipad?
#Parenting There are special tablet made particularly for children.
I think the question you should ask yourself is at what age would you buy them a game console? They are about as expensive - or more so - and you can play games on both. With a tablet, however, the games are cheaper, and you can do more than just play on them.
3 is definitely too young though.
I think a child of 4-5 can have a iPad.
Having said that they must only be allowed to use it say in the afternoon, after having time outside playing and doing what is important....for kids.
1-2 hours per afternoon, and parents need to be quite firm on that.
It's also a wonderful bargaining tool, when they move onto school, say a incentive to do school homework.
At what point do parents say not to kids now days?
Kids do not need to be hunched over, monosyllabic, attached to a screen 24/7. I think it's just lazy parenting to give your child a tablet and ignore them. How about teaching them a game of cards, chess, backgammon or reading with them or even letting them outside to play in the fresh air in the garden. I would not buy my child a game console either! We will end up with a generation who can not write with a pen. All this technology is going to come back and slap us in the face some time really soon
My granddaughter had her own i pad before she was 2.
I don't actually agree with this as I feel it is too young.
I had to laugh one night I was at my daughter in law's house, and 3 generations of women were sitting there on their i pads, busy with the i pads but not each other.
I wonder how we all managed before these came out?