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At what age should you give your child a mobile phone?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
Parenting (216)      Children (252)      Mobile phones (11)      Responsibility (7)     
Everywhere you look more and more kids have mobile phones. But at what age is it appropriate to give them one?

mobile phone, children and mobile phones, parenting, responsibility

If your children have mobile phones, at what age did you buy it for them? Have you found any problems with giving your child a mobile phone? Do you pay for the usage or do they have to earn money and pay for it themselves?

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This is always a hard one because we grew up with no mobile phones. However, things are changing and it is a little more dangerous for children. Having a phone adds security to both your children and yourself. However, they need to be able to be responsible enough to accept that a phone is not toy. Generally that age is around 10, or older. But, if you can go as long as you can without creating them addictive to this technology, that would be great too! ;)
I think rather than fixing an age, parents should assess their child's maturity, ability to look after one and the NEED for a phone before deciding them to give a mobile phone. Also, if children need a phone while they are out of the house, they should "surrender" the phone to the parents when they reach home so that they are not using it needlessly. If they need to talk to their friends, they can use the land-line or their parents' mobile phones. Also, the same logic can be used to give them tablets or laptops.
This is a tricky one. Depending on how responsible they are in general. Having a mobile phone comes with a significant level of responsibility. At some primary schools, kids have to hand their mobile phones into the office prior to each school day, and to collect when they head home for the day. At least high school. My oldest niece is 11, and she doesn't have a mobile phone...yet.
I think people have lost sight of the great advantages to a mobile phone.
In fact some can have a G.P.S which can help to give some idea of where that child is!
So by telling a child they must ONLY be used to contact the parent or police, and instilling that to them.
I only wish we had them when my sons now in there late 30's ...were young.
It gives a great deal of peace to the parent and also the child.Especially if you
place it in the child's school back pack, in a very safe position.One can always make a pocket for the mobile to be placed...You can never be too careful, when it comes to our children's safety.Instilling to your child it is only for that one use, is a must.When older, then as the child can earn their pocket money....it is a wonderful tool, for how to manage money.Buying PRE-Paid is the only way to go, so you and they do not get any nasty surprizes.
P.S. ...I would say from age 6-7 (yes that young for their safety).
by jonaja
My first grand daughter had one at a very early age. She was very careless with it. I don't know how many chargers she mislaid. It's a bit like a pet. Give them one when they are responsible, unless having one promotes their safety.
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