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At what age should a person know they are adopted?

by grann (follow)
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Two adopted children

At what age should a person know they are adopted?

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I think children should know as soon as they are able to understand the concept. There are many wonderful books which deal with the subject and if you talk to them from an early age, the child will accept it much easier than if he/she finds out later on in life.
As an adopted person I'm grateful that I was told when I was little (so little I don't remember ever not knowing). It meant there was never a drama about it. It was just a fact of life. I have heard stories of people who only found out they were adopted in their teens or as adults and that sounds pretty traumatic so I would say preschool age would be about right.
I have to agree with you 100%
by jonaja
I would say the sooner the better as then it's just a normal part of life and not a big deal.
I was determined that both my adopted children would know as soon as possible. Unfortunately my three-year-od son had an auditory processing difficulty and had just had a poor hospitalisation experience. He ran screaming from the room shouting, "I don't want to be a doctor!"
My daughter had no such problems, and her precocious 4 year old talks matter of factly about her Mum being adopted. She recently remarked, "Mummy's mother might have grandchildtren by now." I didn't reply with the obvious.
I think as soon as possible. Having been a foster child myself, this was even scary at 13 years of age. Usually if you're 8 or 9 years of age, you'd understand the concept.
Common sense would dictate ASAP!
Should imagine it'd less traumatic for child then.
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