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At what age did you learn to ride a bicycle without training wheels?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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Did you learn how to ride a bike with training wheels and then transition to riding without training wheels? How old were you at the time when you were able to ride a bicycle without training wheels?

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I can't remember how old I was, but pretty young! My dad is a mechanical engineer and quite heavily into bikes and we were surrounded by different kinds - including a junior penny farthing! - from birth. We never had training wheels, just learnt how to ride properly by ourselves from the start.

In this photo, my brother is 5 or 6 years old and looking very comfortable on his Raleigh bike!
I was 30.
I had two little boys at the time, and my husband and I hired the bikes, and I taught myself in a couple of weeks.Then we all would go around the park, passing each other.
It was a lot of fun....Life was a lot more fun in those days :)
I don't recall but I'm sure I was in late primary school. My parents bought me a second hand bike. I remember it was blue with almost no paint but I thought it was the best thing ever. I'm in my 50's noo and to this day it remains the only bike I ever had.
I think I was around 15 but I was not big on bikes. Three years later I had my own car, and that was the end of bike riding.
Gosh can't remember an exact age but I was very young.
Gosh can't remember an exact age but I was very young.
no such thing as training wheels in my day, just learnt on the right size bike for my age.

I’m in my late 60’s now, & NEVER got on a bike
until Jan 1995, when a friend I was with on Lombok tried to teach me to bike ride. No luck there!That lesson only lasted 5 minutes!
Probably around age 9 when I was first given a bike.
probably around 5 or 6 but cannot really remember that far back.
by Finy
I've never owned a bike because mum was a widow and there was never enough money to buy something like that. Training wheels weren't invented back then. With my grandchildren they learnt to ride on a balance bike, progressed to bikes suitable for their age group, with training wheels and by age 3 could ride without them.
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