My first date,even though it was with another couple was when I was 14,almost 15.It was with a lovely fellow who my parents had met as he was the brother of my sister's best friend! It was about a year later that we were allowed to ditch the company!!! It was really lovely though,as we became very good friends and extremely fond of each other,going out for a total of over 2 years!!!
At 15. I came home from boarding school & went to a dance with a primary school friend to a local dance, where I met my 1st b/f. That lasted about 12 months or less, but my friend met her further
husband at that dance, & their still married. He was a friend of that 1st b/f of mine!
I was probably about 15. Going to an all girls school, we were all a bit ' boy mad '. We would mix with the boys from the boys schools, and inevitably, we would be asked out. We would go out to the cinema, go roller skating or ice skating, or meet up at the shopping centre. Sometimes we would take the train into the City.