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At the cinemas, when the film you’re seeing is finished, do you walk out straight away or take a minute while the credits roll?

by Vee (follow)
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Attribution: taylorschlades, sourced from morgueFile.com

I’ve never understood people who rush out of a cinema once their film is finished. I’ve found I always need a couple of minutes for the reality of it to sink in before heading out.

Do you exit the cinema as soon as the credits start rolling or do you take a minute or two before leaving?

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I like to sit there until the credits have finished and the lights come back up! Partly as you say, to come out of the world created by the film and back to reality but also partly to ensure I don't miss anything - there are several films that have a twist or a funny episode right at the end of the credits.
All my 'cinematic viewing' life, have waited for Credits to come to a complete stop!
If there's been beautiful buildings in film, if I don't recognize them, I'd like to know what & where of them.
Also if film has had several different pieces of music, they get listed towards end of credits.
And just like to see the names' of those acting.
Of the last few decades' the credits are getting L O N G E R! Look at the 'Star War' ones for example , 15-20 minutes' long!
See, I didn't know about the Star Wars' credits because I can't sit through them, lol.
by Vee
I like to sit back for a few minutes until the credits have finished but all the people whom I have accompanied until now are the opposite types. SO i rarely get a chance to sit back !
by BK
I depends on whether I'm interested in who played the parts. Sometimes I might want to know who the actor is, in which case I watch the credits for a bit. Sometimes If I know that there is a teaser at the end of the credits, I wait for the whole thing.

I tend to start gathering my things up right away though - putting on my jumper/coat, packing away any unfinished drinks. Then once the crowds have left, there is less hassle on getting out.
I do half half!
Depending on who I am with, we sometimes sit and watch the credits, and sometimes it is easier to watch them and let the crowds disappear.

Or if I am in a hurry to get back to my car, I will leave as soon as the lights come on, but generally we do not sit through ALL of the credit but just the main actor ones.
by Finy
I like to wait until the music items/songs roll up, which is often at the end of the credits, to see which major orchestra/conductor may have done it.
I wait for the finish of the credits asI like to see who what and where etc.. sometimes there is a little preview at the end particularly with Marvel films! The people involved in making all this wonderful entertainment deserve to be recognised too.
I'm not fond of crowds, so if there are a lot of people I'll wait until most of them have left. Of course, by that time the bathroom is free as well!
Good point.
by Vee
We ALWAYS sit there until ALL the credits have finished. i like looking at the names that roll by, &
occasionally more tiny bits of the movie pop up, during the credits. That’s aways a surprise! And the people who have walked out, which is 99% of them, miss it!!!
We are always the last ones out. We read every last credit.
by Rice
Good for you, Rice Paper. I can't say that I read the credits unless I find an actor's performance particularly striking. Otherwise, I just watch them or leave.
by Vee
Hi Vee . . I'm like donjo . . . I like to see where things were filmed. I love it when you think it might be such and such "exotic location" and it turns out to be a back lot in Shepherd's Bush!! LOL. Marvellous how they can make you think Spain is Mexico etc. I also like to make sure the Humane and Animal Welfare groups were on hand although I never, ever watch stand alone animal movies. When I was a little girl my father used to have to placate me after every episode of Lassie. (and Flicka and Littlest Hobo and Circus Boy and Rin Tin Tin . . . . hopeless case, me.)
by Rice
Oh! Rice Paper, the other reason I stay until ALL credits have rolled is for basic 'good manners'!
All those persons' listed, worked hard to bring to me an excellent type of entertainment.
This is very true in my case, due to my being VERY picky about which films I'll view!
by donjo
donjo, I applaud that remark. What a nice way to think of it.

by Rice
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