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As you fall asleep, do you always find yourself in the same position?

by Finy (follow)
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Sleeping (11)      Falling asleep (2)      In bed (1)      Back sleeper (1)      Side sleeper (1)     

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

As you fall asleep, are you always in the same position?

Which one, and do you wake up in this position also?

#Falling asleep
#In bed
#Back sleeper
#Side sleeper
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When I go to bed, I always turn on the TV, and put it to timer so it will turn itself off.

I lie on my back and then often, I fall asleep.

However if I actively want to go to sleep I will turn on my side.

I wake up in the morning and during the night in different positions so i must shift around a lot at night. I am actually having a problem thinking of how I wake!
by Finy
This is an interesting question for me reading others answers as....I always sleep on my side, either one, change thru the night.....I cannot lie on my stomach anymore as I would get a stiff neck..my bones are no longer this flexible. Also I don't sleep on my back as I always have terrible nightmares if I do...no idea why
by Fran
I usually fall asleep in the same position but with a small child who is a light sleeper and prone to bad dreams, I rarely get an uninterrupted night's sleep, so what position I wake up in is highly variable! I couldn't even predict which bed I'll wake up in....
I start off in the same position when I go to bed, but I don't always wake up in the same position.
Pretty much, curled up on my left side.
by Vee
I have 'Gord'.
So I now must sleep as in the Pic.
Pretty terrible condition, and can be extremely painful.
I am not able sleep any other way.
I do sleep without moving much at all.I always seem to wake exactly as I went to sleep.
Yes I start in the same position most nights
by AJ
Yes! Side sleeper facing left :)
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