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Are you watching the footy finals?

by lizzi (follow)
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Sport (50)      NRL (1)      Finalsfootball (1)     

Supporters at the 2007 NRL grand final - courtesy of Wkimedia Commons.

Do you follow the football? Which code? Are you following the finals? Do you care who wins?

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I'm an NRL fan - My daughter (who is 3!) and I support the North Qld Cowboys. We were lucky enough to travel down to Townsville last weekend for a game, which was great fun! If my Cowboys are in the finals I like to watch, but that's about it really! So far we are in the finals and I'm so very happy about that - Go COWBOYS!!!
Are you talking about football or American football? I can't stand either.
Definitely not American football or Soccer (commonly referred to as "football"). NRL is Rugby League as played in Australia.
by lizzi
Is rugby in Australia like Rugby in England, then, rather than American football where they use the helmets?
I think it's more like English Rugby...although English Rugby is rugby union and generally considered a more "upper class" style of football...
by lizzi
Thanks, Lizzi.
Not really into it, I just haven't got the time to be totally honest.
Maybe one day.
I'll take the opportunity to do some writing while other members of the household are occupied with beer and cheer. I love footy for that reason!
Not yet. If the Bulldogs make it into the Grand Final I will be, but otherwise not.

by Vee
I am western Australian and I watch the footy finals and I'm a proud West coast Eagles fan and last night watch our grat humble Matt Pridis win Brownlow medal against all the East coast players and I LOVED LOVED LOVED it and our other W.A. player got second place in the voting if he had been charge for ahead bump he would have beaten Pridis also one of our boys won volunteers award go W.A.sorry I'm skiting but we are often ignored against Eastern players Fazee
No. None. No. Not in the least!
Majority of mass (male) sports provide fodder for the mindless.
No different to 'Bread & Circus' of Ancient Rome, although ticket prices now would be a rip-off!
NO !
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