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Are you too old for dental braces?

by annep (follow)
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While all of us would love to have the perfect pearly white teeth like in a Colgate advertisement, not everyone is so lucky. Many people have to grow up with dental problems such as crooked teeth or overbites. That is where the braces come in. More and more people are getting orthodontic treatment as a solution for these dental problems.

So how old is too old for dental braces? If some teenagers are having problem getting a social life while wearing braces to school, what do you think will happen if an adult start to wear teeth braces? Would you consider getting one yourself?

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I still remember wearing dental braces going to school. The teasing was horrible. I love the result, but honestly I wouldn't wish to go through all that again.
I am thankful I've never had to go through braces, but if it helps with your health and appearance then you are never too old. I have seen some 20 year olds with braces and wondered how it impacted them.
When I was a child my dentist suggested that I might need braces, but it turned out that my teeth didn't absolutely need them and I would only get them if I wanted them. I definitely didn't; I would rather stick with a few crooked teeth than have braces. I feel the same today. They may not be the straightest set in the world, but I am more than happy with them. A few wonky teeth gives you character.

Isn't there a point when you are too old for braces because your mouth/gums/teeth are too developed to be straightened? I don't know.
I know a number of adults that have got them - I always wonder why they bother (as I've never noticed problems with their teeth prior). I do think it looks weird, but I think that's just because it is a new thing for adults to do it - I never thought it was weird when a kid had them. I presume it will normalise pretty quickly...
I got braces as an adult and wore them for close to 18 months. It was a completely personal decision- it didn't matter to me if everyone else thought my teeth were "straight enough". I had ceramic brackets on top so not that many people noticed I has them on. I also had lots of adults who said they wished they had braces. Two other friends subsequently got braces as adults as well.

I work in a professional space and never had any issues with impact on my presentation at work or perception of my "coolness" (like some teenagers may fear). It was completely worth it - I hope to have these teeth for another 50+ years!
I really do not think it is a matter of 'how one looks', it's all about the teeth! I would have thought.
If your dentist says you should.
If you can afford to have braces, then that is what you do.
I have had dreadful problems with my teeth, and I would tell anyone to make sure you take the best care with them.
You don't want to be in your 50's and loose teeth! believe me.
Braces are only on for so long, then your teeth will be amazing, and healthy.
I've never needed them, but for those that do you can get them as an adult. I know a couple of people who have had braces in their twenties. I think that might be less of an issue then having them as a teenager because by and large adults have grown out of making fun of people for things like that.
I'm thinking of getting them now. My top teeth are perfect, but some of the bottom ones could be more aligned. I don't think anyone else really notices unless I point it out, but I'm considering seeing an orthodontist to see how long it would take.
Got mine the day after my twenty-first birthday party. My parents could not afford them for me when I was a child. I think I took better care of cleaning as an adult yet still have a few spots on my teeth as a result of the braces. Children need heaps of supervision with cleaning and even young teens have to be nagged as I am witnessing is happening with my neighbours.
I have a friend who had braces as a treat to herself once she retired. Apparently the dentist said she'd hang on to her teeth longer and would be easier for her if she had them straightened. To do with bight and cleaning I think. I know other how have done the same in their 50s. I have a crooked front tooth and was too scared to have braces as a teenager. But have seriously considered doing it as an adult now and I'm in my 40s. Invisaline if affordable is also another option. These days braces are so common and kids kind of do it s a right of passage so I think its not such a big deal.
As a senior citizen, yes of course I am too old!
by Finy
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