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Are you the type who dumps or gets dumped in a relationship?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: divorceattorneys.wordpress.com

Do you prefer to dump someone or get dumped in a relationship?

#Breaking up
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I am the type who generally gets dumped.

IK do not like hurting people, so I will go about it so I get dumped generally -will act in a way that makes someone else dump me!

by Finy
When my ex informed me over the phone from 2000 miles away that he wanted a divorce,I was in such a state of total disbelief and confusion as he did not give me a reason. Anyway I agreed to amicably end the marriage ,telling him to do what was necessary to make it happen. Then I heard he had told his parents that he 'still had 12 months to think about it',and THAT was when I realised there was something very untoward and dishonest about the entire situation,so I just went and organised it all myself and when it was done and dusted,I
felt so strong and complete in myself!!! I handed my ex the final divorce papers on our 11th wedding anniversary when he was picking up our son for a school vacation break!!! The look on his face was so utterly priceless,that it made all the new information which came out afterwards,worth every single moment!!! He had been cheating and,even worse, living de facto with someone for 4 years while still very much married to me and playing the loving husband and dad from his long distance army posting which \we could not join him on due to bad health. What a creep!!! So, I must say I am a dumper,not a dumpee!!!
I think it's been about equal. I have been dumped a few times but also got to be very savvy as to when I was going to be dumped so did it first. I won't hang around in a relationship if there is no respect left
by Fran
Neither - both are not nice
by AJ
Is there a type? I would think it would depend on the specific situation.
I would prefer it to be a mutual decision, not a unilateral one. A relationship involves two people, ending it should take two people.
My first fiance called everything off. It was getting on o 30 years ago and he is still without a partner. My next realrelationship was with my husband. We have been married 18 years now.
Before I was married, i did the dumping, nicely 4 times, I’ve now been married, 47 years & 8 months.
I did the 'dumping'.

They just did not come up to par.
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