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Are you still in touch with your childhood friends?

by Radhika (follow)
Radhika Ram
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By artur84, http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/

Are you still in touch with your childhood friends? Do they live in the same country? How often do you contact them?

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Yes, Thanks to social networking sites.I got to meet many of my childhood friends after 10-15 years.I was thrilled to talk to them.
yeah defenitely.I am blessed to have her.Recently met her too.
I certainly am -went to school with several of my friends I currently have although they live in a separate State of Australia.
I even go on cruises with one of these and am much more friendly with her now than I was many years ago.
She phones me every few weeks. And when I go home to Sydney, I see several others, although my best friend lives in another country.
by Finy
Only one my best girlfriend

51 years going strong.
I contact her a great deal, every week or two.
Yes I am in touch with my childhood friends.No we all don't live in the same country but social networking sites allow us to keep in touch.
I am in touch with a couple of them.
I did not grow up in the internet era, so I lost contact with most of my childhood friends at a certain point, but I succeeded to reconnect with some via social networks.
Yes, with my best friend most often as we still have a lot in common and with a few other friends via social networking.
yep - my best friend is still my friend from preschool!
Yes a few, I consider are friends for life.
I've recently turned 70! I have 1 primary school friend, & 3 high school friends I don't do social networking, I only email 2 of them, & ring the other one, as she doesn't use a computer.
by Miro
No. Because I moved in another country and we kinda lost touch.
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