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Are you short tempered?

by Radhika (follow)
Radhika Ram
Personality (24)      Anger (15)      Control (3)     
Photo by imagerymajestic, http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/

What are the things that make you angry? Do you try to control your anger? Are you short tempered?

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No I am not short tempered. By nature I am a cool person.
I like to think I am patient. Though, when things seem to pile up, especially when I'm driving, I can lose my temper. People tailgating me, people driving under the limit, people who are needlessly rude, and people who seem to fall asleep at green traffic lights.
by Vee
Only short tempered when people do crazy stuff on the road.
That makes me see Red!
Yes, I am very short tempered. It doesn't take a lot to make me snap.
I like to think not. Got to say that when I'm under stress, my fuse seems to get shorter than when I'm not, but I try to limit the stress in my life where I can by keeping away from stressful situations and people, then I can be my calm self.
No, I am quite calm and good natured, or at least most of my friends say so. I think when you get upset, don't focus on the problem too much but think of how to make things better. Take a deep breath and imagine all the bad things go out when you exhale.
Yes I am.
Yes kind of. But lately I've learnt the art of ignoring. So whenever its a situation I cannot change, I try to ignore it, rather than boiling my blood over it
I guess I've got a short wick at times but sometimes I don't react to things like others do and vice-versa... Inconsiderate people including some drivers make me angry; and anyone who hurts animals or leaves animals unattended so they cry all day (some of my neighbours have a single dog) upsets me too.
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ID: 11490
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