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Are you scared of storms?

by lizzi (follow)
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Now THAT looks a little scary! Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Do you get frightened during big storms? Or are you the type to sit out under your patio or carport and watch the lightening?

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I like storms, and my kids are mad about them. They love running around in the rain, though I make them come inside when there's lightning and they just stand at the windows and watch it.
Actually No, I like them :)
by BK
I love storms! We used to have a covered balcony which was the best place ever to watch a thunderstorm - we could see about 50km across a valley and we could watch the lightning and thunder rolling across the country towards us. It was wonderful! We are much more hemmed in now and I miss that space and wild weather!
I gave out my giant window eagerly anticipating the next lightening bolt. I LOVE storms :D
I do enjoy storms, but with the wild weather we've been having, I also get a tad apprehensive.
by Vee
I am not a fan of storms. Thunder makes me jump and lightning scares me. I love rain though. My kids seem to love storms and were so upset when I made them come inside out of the lightning!
I don't like them, seen way too many...and how they can turn very ugly.
Once my husband rang me at work, said I needed to come home!
I said ''It can't be that bad''!!

He then told me that our little dog was ''swimming in the lounge room''!!!

The storm had been so bad, it flooded our home totally.
I'm not afraid of storms. I like seeing the lightning flashes and the whole works. The only thing I would dislike about a storm is a power outage.

No I hate storms, particularly lightning. In summer, I always know when the are going to occur as I get a headache beforehand.
Stinking hot, humid days and topped off with more rain and lightning and thunder. No hate storms.
No problems with storms, as long as gumtree branches don't fall!
No, not at all. Love a big flash of lightning or a loud crack of thunder! As long as I'm inside/under cover that is!
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