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Are you scared of insects & creepy crawlies?

by Sharm Jay (follow)
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Creepy crawlies can include spiders, worms, ants, or any insect that crawls. Some are fearful of one or all of them, even to the extent of developing arachnophobia--an extreme fear of spiders. Do you fear insects and other creepy crawlies? What do you fear the most.

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I am scared of all creepy crawlies, even the harmless moths. Most scared of cockroaches and spiders. I get nervous with anything that flies, even if it is a bird that flies too close.
Living in Australia it's good to have a healthy respect of bugs, insects and creepy crawlies as a lot of them can KILL you. And wear gloves when you garden ;)
I'm very scared of spiders, but I can handle most other bugs and creepy crawlies. But I definitely freak out over spiders.

Scorpions are another fear of mine. Friends of our family used to have pet scorpions and I used to hate walking past their bowl.
The only two insects that scare me are stick insects and big cockroaches. And I am not a big fan of bats either.
No - Love watching them. I think they are really cool. However, I also know some are dangerous, and in that case they may find their fate with their maker! Unfortunately....but on the most half I try to save all the creepy crawlies and pop them outside!
Scared of funnel web spiders. Otherwise I am not scared of other insects.
I can't stand big cockroaches. It's such an irrational thing because they can't hurt you at all, but if I see one I run the other way! Funny because spiders and other bugs don't bother me at all.
All of them!
Not scared of spiders but the rest of them..YES!
I am TERRIFIED of geckos and house lizards. There was once in Singapore, I accidentally pulled down my friend's pants while struggling to get away from a gecko that was behind us at a cafe. Apparently, I climbed over her, pulled down her pants and scrambled the other direction.
The most dangerous creature is the human, with thousands killing and harming others every year.
Instead of being scared of other small creatures we should learn about them ,learn how they benefit us and use sensible precautions .
I don't like spiders but cockroaches are what I detest most, particularly the flying ones as they can enter the house when you open the door and you are none the wiser until the creatures fly around your room. Always keep cans of cockroach spray in several rooms.
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