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Are you predictable?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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crystal ball
Source: Morguefile

Are you so predictable that people know what you are going to do before you even do (e.g. what to choose on a menu, or some other decision you are going to make), or are you always full of surprises?

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Occasionally I'll do something that comes as a surprise, but most of the time people can predict quite accurately the choices Im going to make.
I actually don't know the answer to this!
Sometimes I think I am but then I surprise myself.

Basically I probably am predictable with a big question mark.
by Finy
No, even though I think I am.

Every time someone asks me what I'm doing over the weekend, my answers seem to blow them away. I enjoy being adventurous and make my weekends just that - I go sailing, rock climbing, wine-tasting (even though I don't like wine, I'd like to give it a chance) and they just never seem to expect me to be the type of person who would participate in such activities.

This makes me feel good :)
Full of surprises I'd say.
One becomes predictable with age.
When I was younger, not really.
Now I like things to be slightly less busy, and know what is on the days agenda.
So yes I am now a tad predictable.
No, and I work really hard on it!
That way I don't bore my self.
Sometimes I am convinced that my husband can read my mind. In truth, I think I am mostly predictable.
by Vee
I try to not follow a particular pattern when I do SOME things but if I go to a shop or something my friends would know that I am going to buy a sugar bun.
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