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Are you paying any taxes you think are dumb?

by dwatk (follow)
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Are you paying any taxes you think are dumb?

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Well I think we should NOT have to support ex Prime ministers for the rest of their lives!!!
6 of them! makes me sick.Give them $30,000 a year if they have to have something....but Not what they are getting. SHAMEFUL ~
We have that too. If the person was elected for a day ,they get a prime ministers pension for life.
by dwatk
There is a tax on late fees to the utility company. For instance, the fee $25 the tax would make it almost $30. I don't see the point in taxing a penalty payment. Thankfully, I usually pay on time.
Also property tax . Why am I paying tax for my own property every year. What if I don't pay, are they going to sell my property?
by dwatk
We have just paid off our house!!!!! We were thinking of leaving a small amount of money in the account, in case we ever needed the re draw facility ( hopefully we never would need it). We called the bank and discussed this. If we did it, and let it sit there in case of emergency, we would have to pay a Disused Account fee. Can you believe that. What a cheek. We are looking at different options now. We need some money put aside in case one of us gets sick, or the house burns down, or other things happen that we don't have the cash for. Disused Account fee. What a joke.
They didn't even left me know about this. I went to the bank and realized the money was gone.
by dwatk
Hi Dwalk. We had the same thing happen with my in laws money on one of their accounts. The government took their money without consent because it was inactive. They are supposed to contact you by mail before they do this. We found out about it, we fought them, and we got every cent returned to us.
by Lluxi
Congratulations! The bank is pathetic!
by Naomi
All of the above!
by Vee
Totally agree with the banks having the gall to charge fees for not using your account within their stipulated time. My gripe was that I was charged an account keeping fee because I couldn't deposit their stipulated amount each month so withdrew what I had in it and opened another account where I wasn't disadvantaged.
Taxes for the pollies I don't think is fair at all, they have their hands in the cookie jar fight from day one, and emergency levies I don't know why we have to pay that, I'm sure the government is double dipping on this one.
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