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Are you old enough to remember this shape of television?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Are you old enough to remember this shape and type of television?

#Old television
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I sure am!
I remember when TV first came out and we didnt have one and I went down the road to watch it at a friend's!

The shapes were so funny when you look back at the shape nowadays.

It was an exciting time, and in those days you had to get up out of your chair to change the channel! Hard to imagine now?
by Finy
Yes! What huge things they were with their funny shapes. Ours fell face first onto the floor and my mother nearly had a conniption fit! Luckily, they were built to last and it survived the fall. To this day I have no idea why it fell. Nobody was near it but I often wonder if it was the cat as he was a big bruiser.
by Rice
Rice new pic :)

by jonaja
Yes. I lost my head and went online to make an avatar . . . this is a close approximation of me :-)) The choice was fairly limited but you get the basic idea. LOL
by Rice
Yep I remember, and the black and white pictures.

So happy life has moved on to colour .
I used to wonder why all the kids would call out "Mr Ed!" as I rode past . . . . . of course, palomino Mr Ed looked like a grey horse to them. Took me years to figure that out!! LOL
by Rice
by jonaja
Funny, but I always knew he was a Palomino, even on b&w TV!
by donjo
Yes, we had one of those. It lasted a really, really long time. We had the rabbit ears antenna too.
Ah. We had that copper rod thing with the coil around it.
by Rice
We were the first in the 'hood to have a TV! August, 1959, when Channel 9 broadcast. All the neighbours' came to watch! It was a lovely time, when there was no fear!

My fave programme was 'Fury'. Any programme that had a horse in it I loved. That's why I used to enjoy 'Westerns' so much. I had an 'Annie Oakley' outfit, guns' n'all!
Just a few months' later I was learning to ride, for real. That ended up being a lifetime pursuit to this day!

Our TV was a beautiful 'Admiral' brand, with magnificent wooden surrounds, in a red-brown colouring. The TV Licence hung on a hook at the back, ready for inspection at anytime, which it was!
That TV was STILL working when we donated into a charity, a few decades' later.
All items were QUALITY built then; none of the nowadays obsolescence!
(very odd how non horsey people could not see that Mr Ed was palomino . . I used to think they were nuts.)
by Rice
Yeah, Rice, but don't forget non-horsey people wouldn't know ANY horse colours', let alone Palomino! Cheers!
by donjo
Bahahahahaha! You are so right!!! *huzzah*
by Rice
Oh! Rice.......just try explaining to a non-horsey person what a 'flea-bitten Grey' is, or a 'warm blood Holstein'! How about a 'Roan'?

Ah, the fun of being a horse-owner, or rider!
by donjo
Yes,but I was very little.3 or 4 at most!!We would go next door to watch TV as we did not have one.I can remember Happy Hammond and also Zig & Zag from those early days.What a Treat it was! and always like a huge party as the neighbours had 4 kids without us even visiting!!
My uncle worked for AWA so he naturally had the first TV set in the family. Mum, my brother and I would walk around to my cousin's house to watch a couple of shows during the week and walk home afterwards except if it was extremely cold, or wet when we would be driven home by my uncle. My grandparents lived in the next street and they were the next to get a set some tije after my uncle did. I can remember walking home from the shopping centre with mum and brother, all loaded down with shopping on our 1 mile walk home so we used to stop at Nan's for a cuppa and watch the wrestling before heading home. It was some years before we got one as mum was a widow and we just didn't have money for things like that.
Oh! helga, what you wrote was typical of the times'.

My Father bought any electrical item from Carlyle & Thompson, probably the 'Harvey Norman' of the late '50's, & '60's!

For my 12th Birthday, I got a General Electric Stereo System. It was THE 'bees'-knees' of its' time, as it could have SIX LP Records stacked, ready to be 'dropped' sequentially, & played! Wow!
That machine kept on going strong until donated to Charity, when we bought new B&O Stereo System, in 1976.
Goods WERE so well made, they just kept going on, & on! Quality was amazing. Only get that in a few items, nowadays, more's the pity!
by donjo
Ahhh Donjo. Yes, those were the days when goods were made to last. Our HMV record player was in a lovely wood cabinet. It also had radio in it as well and the record stacker. We thought it was great and it lasted for years.
by helga
We NEVER had a tv while I was growing up! We'd visit a women close by, (who's sister would babysit us, & make our Christmas puddings) They had a b/w TV, & a son, so we'd go down & play with him. His mother was always watching the wrestling. Once we saw my dad on a ABC interview, talking about his art.
by Miro
I'm not old enough.
by AJ
They bought TV out just before my birth in 1959 (SA)sadly 2yrs after my older sisters birth (it's still fun to remind her)
Heck yes! And Disneyland on Sunday nights was in black and white. I was in 7th heaven a few years ago when my husband and I visited Disneyland and shock of shocks.....it was ACTUALLY IN COLOUR!
No, but my great uncle had a colour television that looked very similar to the one in the picture in the 1990s.
by Vee
How hideous. I couldn't imagine enjoying a good film on a screen like that.
by Vee
I remember! We got out TV in 1963 and it was sooo exciting. We watched The Beverley Hillbillies as a family and thought it was so funny.
Yes I am, and old enough to remember sitting in front of it for the first time, with a bottle or Coke and packet of potato chips, waiting Rin Tin Tin.
We must have looked a pretty sight !
Not in its heyday but I knew older people who had them.
by Gia
I am not but I don't think kids now a days know even CRT televisions. I sound like an old person now, when I was born they had colore.
not just
Our family NEVER had a tv! My parents only saw tv when they lived in Paris, France off & on, until '76. (My father passed away in '77) My self & 3 siblings gave our mother her very 1st tv for her 70th Birthday, 25 years ago! She only watched the ABC shows, & not many of them either, mainly the news.
by Miro
Yes. :)
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