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Are you more likely to watch a film if it has won awards?

by VerityG (follow)
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oscar trophy bafta awards film movies Hollywood
“Oscar - Golden Trophy” by Danilo Rizzuti via freedigitalphotos.net

Bafta nominations have just been announced; Oscar nominations will be announced next week. Exciting times in the film world!
Are you more likely to watch a film if it has won awards?

#Film Awards
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Nope. I like to form my own opinion. We don't always have the same taste as everyone else (thank goodness!)
Yes !! I am very selective about watching movies and if it has won an award, I might watch it unless it is of a genre that I do not really enjoy.
by BK
Yes, I do like to see which movies made it to the awards list, although I am a movie buff so will watch any interesting movie. Sometimes, the movies that are awarded with accolades turn out to be quite boring. But I would say yes, I am very interested to see the movies that wins awards.
Not necessarily. But I did watch Dallas Buyers Club and 12 Years a Slave after they won awards and I know why they won, they were amazing movies.
Yes I do because I always like to see 'what' all
the fuss is about.
Was it worth an Oscar?
Most times it would seem they get it right.
Other times, well I wonder 'what' they were thinking in not giving one to a certain movie.
Jack Palance in City Slickers won an Oscar
1992,and to be quite honest I have no idea why?
Funnily enough, although I love all the glamour and fuss that surrounds the movie awards season, I'm not at all swayed in my watching by knowing that a film has won an Oscar or a Bafta or a Golden Globe... I still rely on my reaction to the trailer!
Yes, I probably am more likely to watch a film if it has won an award!

But then again the best film I have seen in many years was the Grand Budapest Hotel and when I was it sometime ago, it had not won any awards -pleased to see it has now though as it is a brilliant film and better on the big screen of the pictures.....absolutely hilarious and well acted.
by Finy
by Vee
Less likely. I could name you lots of Oscar winners that I have never seen and have no interest in.
by Rice
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