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Are you looking forward to NBN or do you already have it?

by Finy (follow)
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Are you looking forward to getting NBN in your area, or do you already have it?

Or don't you care either way?

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I'm very sceptical of it ever arriving at all, so I am not getting my hopes up at all.
Hear hear!! Can't get it here but it is around the corner . . . can't get it where I am moving . . .but it is around the corner! Somebody tell them to put the modem in my coffin.
by Rice
I am very much looking forward to having NBN and a very fast internet.
However by the time I get it, I may well have died of old age!

I have a friend who has it, and she has had problems with it being down etc. I thought once we had NBN there would be no problems, but not so, I believe!

Meanwhile, hurry up NBN to my area.
by Finy
I have no idea what NBN is.
Very Very fast speed on the Internet.
by jonaja
Like fibre broadband? If I could get it I'd be very happy. Would depend on price though.
My son and I can't wait for NBN to be up and running in our area. It isn't too far away. We have seen the technicians busy in the streets not too far away. We are hoping he will be able to stream his online games while I am uploading photos for my Hub Garden articles without that frustrating 'lag' we now experience. I hope we don't experience too many problems once it is available here.
I really am.
We don't have it yet.

Looks like it will be some time coming.

Absolutely looking forward to it, if I am still alive!!
yea, my thoughts exactly too!
by Finy
I saw your answer after I put mine...LOL looks like we think the same on this one! :)
by jonaja
Yes . . . when they can make it run properly. Out of the people I know who have it, all have had problems and it has even been worse for them than their ordinary connection.
by Rice
We don't have it but it has been installed in the two new housing estates across the road. We are not far from the exchange, so when it does come it should be good. No plans to do NBN for our address yet though.
Not the least bit interested in it.
I have NBN and have had it since the very early roll-out here over 2 years back. It is only noticeably faster for the downloading of Movies and Music,neither of which I do,so basically,it has made no difference whatsoever to how my internet service is running!!! The real reason for the introduction of NBN is that the old copper wire Telephone lines are supposedly old and breaking up now,so the fibre optic cables are replacing those copper wires! It works via our electricity supply ,so if we have a power failure,then unless we have battery back-up(which I do have due to my health issues) we have no phone access!! Of course,none of this was explained by the government at all,so we were all in the dark about it completely,until the delightful NBN technicians came to install the cables and explained it in fine detail to us!!
I had major problems in the first month,but I do have to say that everything was rectified VERY quickly! What I really hate is that whoever your landline PHONE is with,is who your internet has to also be with. I detested this part as I was very happy having my phone with Telstra and my internet with Dodo. I informed Telstra that if they could not do me a deal better that what my combined services were costing me,then I would not stay with them for any services at all.They certainly came to the party and I have been given a truly excellent deal. I don't kn ow anyone up here who has NBN who has found it to be any better at all than what we had in the past, unless,as mentioned earlier,they are downloading music and/or movies!!! The ads on TV are so fake and unrealistic that I want to throw a brick at the TV when they come on!!!
It is a huge lark for advertising companies,as far as I am concerned!!

Oh!! P.S. Here is the advice we were all given in regards to the power failure thing....BUY a MOBILE PHONE !!!! In a country which is supposed to be one of the best for lifestyle in the world,I find this disgraceful! We have had our freedom of choice taken from us with regards to who we can use for the separate services,and then get told to just 'buy a mobile phone in case of power outages'? WHAT A JOKE!!!! I do not have,and have no intention of having, a mobile phone as I have no need for one at all,(unless of course there is a power blackout!! Ha ha ha ha!!!!)
by Jules
In some ways, but the NBN is being forced upon us with changes to phones etc.
We don't have it, & we don't want it. People who do have it, seem to be having so much trouble with it, which I wrote here before reading everyone else's replies!
by Miro
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