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Are you interested in history?

by Radhika (follow)
Radhika Ram
History (31)      Knowledge (13)      Historical personality (1)     
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How do you keep yourself updated on history? Is there a historical personality whom you admire?

#Historical personality
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Top Answers
I love History.

I find mine on line, and of course that has thousands of hours to look through.
I admire Abraham Lincoln...he wanted to bring about the end of slavery to the Black people.
I don't like history atall
'Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it'...........Edmund Burke quote.
by donjo
History is fascinating. I would say that the stone hedges are pretty interesting...and many might feel the same way! LOL
Ah, would you believe, I think you mean, 'stoneheNges'?
by donjo
I love history. Every era, every country. I studied both modern and ancient history as subjects at school, and now write historical fiction novels. They say that truth is always stranger than fiction, and I definitely find that to be the case when you start learning about history.
I'm very interested in history not repeating itself.
by Vee
Yes I agree
........said Edmund Burke, Vee, & how right he was!
by donjo
donjo, I have to admit, I've no clue who Edmund Burke is.
by Vee
Vee, just 'Google' him! Cheers!
by donjo
I dont the subject at all.
'don't WHAT the subject'?
by donjo
I would like to know the answer to that question.
by Vee
I love history - it was one of the Majors of my Degree. Modern, not Ancient.
Hello dom a......you should delve into 'the past'. It's absolutely fascinating. And if you get the opportunity to travel to some of the ancient sites, it's mind blowing!
I've been to a few & they were way BEYOND my expectation! Cheers!
by donjo
History is fascinating to me, the personalities and what they did. Of course, history is written by the victors so who knows how much of it is true.
Yes I agree with what you said about the victors. I often think that the comics get away with saying more than official channels.
I have always loved history. Being a 4th generation australian, I have read as much 'obscure' history as I can.. Sadly, we seem to know as much american' history' as our tv screens and movies tell us. Having come from english ancestors, I am a follower of that.
Have just read a book, I think it was called, The real Lady of Downtown Abbey - as usual, the true story is more interesting.
Also, a book by Henry Reynolds, North of Capricorn, a history of the north of Australia.
Important for us to know I think.
There is a saying.... if you dont know where you come from, you dont know who you are.
very true I think.

Love the Histories'.
Am continuously informally studying them through 'The Great Courses', on DVD from them.

Admired persons.......
T.E. Lawrence.....he tried to unify the Arab States, but he didn't count on the interfering politicians. What happened since WWI, & the ensuing Treaty of Versailles, is still resonating in the Middle East to this very day.

Sir John Monash........if Billy Hughes hadn't hated him so much, because Monash was a Jew, the tactics' Monash wanted to use on the Western Front would've ended WWI, TWELVE MONTHS' earlier!

Hughes stopped him at every turn, had him recalled to Australia, so the War went on for an extra year, & tens of thousands of service personnel died, thanks to a little man, with the usual 'small man' syndrome.

He even refused to promote Monash to rank of Field Marshal, which he had earned, & deserved!

What a snivelling little jealous person Hughes was! A total disgrace to be a PM.

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