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Are you in love with a fictional character?

by lizzi (follow)
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Love (84)      Fiction (7)      Characters (1)     

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Do you have a secret or not so secret love for a fictional character? Who? Why?

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I have always liked Johnny Depp.
OH heavens …… ok, I confess. I actually dream about Jamie Lannister from Game of Thrones. I've had two dreams about him. My children are relentless, they tease me about it constantly.
I adore John Thornton from North and South, although that may be my aoration for Richard Armitage leaking through :)
I am madly in love with Jamie Fraser from Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. I was in love from the moment I first met him and imagined his Scottish accent...Mmmmm. I was really worried that watching the TV series would ruin our love affair...But nope - the spark is still there! I've told my partner that he has competition (from a fictional character who "lives" over 200 years ago!!).
Ooh, I loved him too :)
Ohhhh I must download that series! Cant beat a good scot accent *wink wink*
by meggf
I used to have a crush of Fox Mulder from The X-Files, but not anymore.
I think Mulder was possibly my first love!
by lizzi
I think he's been many's first love.
No I don't really, kind of sad, isn't it?
I'm not big on fictional characters. I'm always aware that what I am seeing is not real.
I've never been in love with any fictional character.
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