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Are you good with numbers?

by Radhika (follow)
Radhika Ram
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Are you good with numbers? Do you teach mathematics to your kids? Do you feel numbers are fun?

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No, not really good -it is not my strongest point.
by Finy
Funny you should ask!!!
I told my 21 yr old last night that how they are being tought now in school about maths, to me is very weird?
I asked him could I teach him how they did it back in the 60's.
I could 'hear' him rolling his eyes, no need to see!
''Oh yes Mum if you must was the reply''...with which I said 'well make it soon'' or you could miss out.(By the time he is ready I will be long gone).
I Love numbers, and was good at school with math.....So I told him, well I will teach my grand-kids, if he doesn't want to learn.Young people who serve at the checkout, can not use their heads to add up.They need a calculator.
We didn't have calculators when I was their age?..we had to rely on the grey matter.
Basic numeracy is VERY important and the foundation to all other maths. Maths is very important in life from reading knitting patterns to building things. Many jobs rely on maths.
I often see 'check out chicks' with no clue what change to give you at the till unless it's on a screen. It's important if you are working with money. Or even just to check you are getting the right change in a shop. I taught my daughter to be quick with numbers by teaching her card games like cribbage and talking money when I used to run market stalls.
Yes, pretty good. I love solving the number puzzles and riddles.
I think so - I often have to do numeracy-themed activities with some of my clients at work and feel like it's definitely a strong point :)
I love numbers so long as they have nothing to do with angles. Oh gosh. I was tutoring the other night. It almost killed us both. Algebra, simultaneous equations and fractions are fun.
by Vee
I dont like maths atall. My husband teaches numbers to my son.
No I think my strengths lie in other areas. I'm numerate and I was taught to do mental arithmetic rather than rely on calculators but more than that I wouldn't say I'm good with numbers....I think you know when this is your talent. I dislike sudoku and numbers based puzzles and I have trouble remembering phone numbers.
I love playing with numbers.
I think so. Then I have days when the basics are hard.
Yes, very good. Numbers are fun to me. My daughter and I play mathematical games, so I guess I reinforce the learning done at school.
yup but apparently not so good at explaining it to the kidlets...
Numbers and I don't get on at all. I quite like them if they are large and have a dollar sign in front but even then I don't want to add or subtract them. I refuse to try Suduko in spite of everyone telling me its about patterns ... Yes but its patterns of NUMBERS! No thanks.

I am not very good but I find numbers are interesting.
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The kids of the present generation are surely a smart lot
ID: 13484
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