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Are you for or against school uniforms?

by Vee (follow)
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girl school uniform
Image sourced from Wikimedia Commons

Sure they look smart when worn with pride, but are school uniforms really necessary? Are you for or against school uniforms and why?

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For them.

It takes away all the cost for clothes kids would want to wear, while at school...keeps everyone on a equal playing field.
Some great advantages there, both with which I agree.
by Vee
One of my son's would have had me in the poor house Big time...if he had not -had to wear a school uniform.
by jonaja
And look at the furores in America where there's really no uniform rule that I know of, and girls have worn what's been deemed 'provocative' clothing that's distracting to the boys.
by amanda
I'm hearing you....so yes for the uniform....keep life simple. :)
by jonaja
I didn't have a school uniform per se. I turned out fine. Or so I think...

Forces kids to make decisions and take responsibility early. We needed to wear clothes that were certain colours (and not offensive/revealing etc).
Definitely FOR as imagine how some of them would dress if there was no uniform.

Also it saves the parents buying a whole lot of clothes and it would also show up those who have little money and could not afford good clothes.

I think without uniforms, girls would try to outdo each other too much which would be unfair.
by Finy
by Vee
Thanks Finy, You've said it all for me! I was wondering how I'd put what you've written into what I was thinking to write. You've got it in 1!!!
by Miro
For them.

Dress down day was always a day of much panic and stress for me as a child. If you didn't have the cool clothes (I didn't) then you could be ridiculed or bullied for this. To have to 'dress down' every day would have been horrendous for me.
A uniform on the other hand, easy and they're generally built for greater wear ad tear too.
Good points, but I never could care less what other people thought of my clothes. I was actually looking at photos taken during one of our mufti days, as we called them, and boy was I the odd one out.
by Vee
I'm for school uniforms as long as they are gender neutral. At my secondary school girls had to wear skirts in spring/summer, which I think is completely wrong. Girls should be allowed to wear trousers (and boys skirts if they so wish), but so many schools force skirts upon girls. When I asked why we had to wear skirts, the only reply I ever got was 'because it is the school uniform', meaning she couldn't come up with a good reason.

Uniforms are good because:

1. They help identify you on a school trip (useful if you get lost, as you can look out for other kids wearing the uniform).
2. Helps identify which school you come from when travelling (useful for the public if a child is poorly behaved and needs reporting)
3. Helps kids get ready for the world of work, where you should dress smartly.
Another one, I forgot to mention is that it means all children are dressed the same, and there is no peer pressure/bullying based on the clothes you wear.
All great points Bryony. And I am with you 100 per cent about girls being able to wear trousers. How in the world are they supposed to play and muck about in skirts?! My sister always hated wearing dresses and skirts. She dreaded wearing her uniform and it was a massive point of contention both at home and at school. But, had girls been given the same opportunity as the boys, everybody could have been spared a lot of grief.
by Vee
Really good points there!
It was even worse at primary, where we had to wear dresses and pinafores! It is a very good point you make about 'mucking about' too. You can't do that sort of thing very well in a dress/skirt, and what about hanging upside down on climbing frames?
I suppose little girls are not supposed to hang upside down and muck about! Ugh!
by Vee
I'm for them. They keep everyone on a level playing field. Without them school would become one being fashion competition, especially in high school.
It's for that reason that I am also averse to students wearing makeup.
by Vee
I agree, Vee
by Vee
I think uniforms prevent the obvious difference between the haves and have nots and promotes a sense of team.
Keeps all on a 'level' footing re: costs
Is also designed to foster 'pride' in School & the uniform
Outsiders' know what school is represented by each uniform.
I'm for school uniforms but I'm against the cost that some schools charge for them being only able to purchase from the school. Also against schools changing different parts of the uniform so younger siblings cannot wear them causing more cost grief to a lot of parents.
helga, you're right on point. It is absolutely ludicrous just how much school uniforms can cost. Parents can spend a fortune paying for one uniform, only to have to buy a new one a couple of years later.
by Vee
My son left his School Hat in the Library there. Went back to check next day, & with Lost Property, but no luck!

Had to fork out $170, for an new one, made by Akubra! At least that included School Hatband. One must be grateful for 'small mercies' in that situation!
by donjo
I am for Uniforms so that School Children are all dressed the same and it gives them an identity associated with their school.
Probably more important for High Schools not Junior schools?
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