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Are you for or against cosmetic surgery? Why?

by joya. (follow)
I am a freelance writer, a food enthusiast and an explorer. Check out my weekendnotes profile: http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/177032/
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If it ever ok or when is it ok to resort to cosmetic surgery? Do you know of anyone who has done it and why? Would you consider cosmetic surgery at any point in your life?

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I have not had any cosmetic surgery done, but I can understand why some women resort to it. Seriously, if I had the budget for it, I would get a few tucks here and there which just look a bit droopy!
I think it's really up to the individual because it's a personal matter. However I think it lies in their motives for example a person has been suffering from low self esteem/body image and that has been causing alot of restraints and limits in their confidence and if getting that little bit fixed will allow them to live happier and fuller lives, then go for it. But it was something to do with changing yourself to make someone else love or accept you, I don't think it is for a good reason.
I think each to their own. I would support a friend if he/she decided to have cosmetic surgery. At this point, I can't see myself doing it, but who knows ... as I get older I may consider it.
I have have slight cosmetic surgery.

I was very pleased, and it made me feel so much more confident.

We are our own worst critics, but could you imagine if there was not even a chance of this life changing option.

People who have been very badly scared from a accident or fire....it would in my opinion be devastating.

There are people who see big flaws in their appearance.

Sometimes all it takes is a little correction, and they become a whole different person.
For the people..... we have all seen..... who have gone overboard.....The one to blame is the Doctor!

I still shake my head....when I see that a person is Not turned away, and that Doctor STILL performs the surgery!

In my opinion, they should be struck off, and never allowed to perform surgery again.

Is it about money?.....Must be.
These Doctors can say no....and when they do, we won't have people who look like a 'freak'.

Something has gone wrong in the mind of the patient...to want more and more surgery.

The Oath these Doctors swear is ''Do No Harm''.
They should remember that, next time they even 'think' about operating.
Against in some cases. The industry has a few cowboys, where nurses who are not qualified are injecting clients with botox etc. Anyone can just undergo two days training, and call themselves a botox specialist etc, or operate an omnilux machine etc. There is a friend of mine who is a surgery addict, and had to get her nose done twice, even though there is nothing wrong with her.
I don't mind either way. If people really want to do it then that is their choice. I think it is far to risky to travel overseas to get it done they may not be fully qualified and you could be putting your health or even your life at risk!

As long as it isn't over the top like Pamela Anderson and appears natural and is done by a good doctor I don't have an issue with it.

I couldn't imagine myself getting Botox done, a bust enlargement would be great but it cots too much and I worry about the pain factor.
For starters I would separate cosmetic surgery that's to fix something, like say a cleft palate or scars from an accident, from things like boob jobs. Both kinds are technically optional but most people would never object to the former.

I don't think I'd have ever have anything like a face lift or breast enlargement myself. For starters it's expensive, and I'm basically happy with the way I look and I hope I can accept the effects of aging without feeling I need to do something like that.

However, just because I don't think I'd choose it doesn't mean I think it's wrong for other people to do it. I've done things to change my own appearance permanently, like getting piercings and a tattoo and I don't see cosmetic surgery as morally different from that. It's a personal choice.

I do think that young women should hold off on cosmetic surgery until they have finished growing though, since puberty might change your appearance for the better or you might change your mind. There's a reason under 18s aren't allowed to get tattoos.
If people want to have cosmetic surgery, then it's a free country so let them do it. Personally, I wouldn't get cosmetic surgery unless something dramatic happened to me and I lost a lot of confidence (eg terrible burns etc).
I don't like the way that they all seem to come out looking like clones. For me, personally, it is just a matter of sheer terror. I am bad enough with necessary ops, never mind having nips and tucks. *shudder*
by Rice
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