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Are you fond of fried snacks?

by Radhika (follow)
Radhika Ram
Snacks (13)      Fat (5)      Fried (1)     
Photo by phanlop88, http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/

Do you like fried snacks? Or do you avoid them?

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I can have them anytime..!! That keeps me motivated for my workouts..!!

I love fried snacks and its very difficult to avoid them. But I have them occasionally.
I like them, but I try not to eat them. I don't buy fried food or make it at home, but if I'm at a restaurant, then I will have it. My favourite are prawn and vegetable tempura.
I like spring rolls and hot chips, but I rarely eat them.
by Vee
In moderation I think they have a place in our diets
There are some that I enjoy but I'm not fond of the taste or feel of oil on my foods. Instead, I like to take traditionally fried food and oven bake them instead like home made oven chips, home made spring rolls, and even donuts. The baked versions still taste yummy but don't taste oily so are perfect.
Not at all.
That's a big fat No.
I hate them.
I eat chips sometimes, and I do love tempura and spring rolls but I don't have them often.
I'll eat them if I have to, like if I'm at a party and they're being served and I'm hungry, but would never order them out or cook at home as I don't see the need for all that fat and I'm sure a lot of the nutrients would be taken out of the food in the deep frying process.
Every once in a while, yes! It is one of those guilty pleasures that I love to indulge myself with, as long as it does not become part of the daily routine.
I like fried stuff but I avoid them. I have fried stuff very rarely
I avoid them, at least as much as possible. But if it's the only finger food available, I'll refrain from consuming more than one or two.
Most often I don't mind steamed items as finger foods compared to fried ones.
Oh Yes, YUM. I wish "they" would cook in olive oil tho. Some years ago one of the potato chip manufactures cooked only in olive oil and those crisps tasted great. Must have been too expensive for them as they are no longer on the market. Why why why??? Cooking in pure olive oil would assist the australian olive growers and be healthier for the end user, Now doesn't that make sense and solve a few issues...
I seem to be but my body isn't :)
I love fried food but attempt not to eat too much.
I now use Rice Bran Oil as I was told this is healthier than olive oil -who knows -you hear so much about this food and that food that really everything seems unhealthy.

The one I perhaps love the most is potato chips in the packet however I never buy these anymore as the salt content is so high.

I do eat many other friend snacks however.

by Finy
Do enjoy fried foods and must admit that they are very delicious.
Try not to have them often.
And in moderation its a great treat.
by Zen
I make them myself!! My friends highly compliments that I make them deliciously. Love them very much but unfortunately I have to avoid them ... For health reasons.
Now & again, I'll enjoy a hot snack, like a 'spring roll', or pastie, with meat & vegies. A snag roll, occasionally.

Would enjoy Tempura Prawns as an Entree at a Reataurant.
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