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Are you familiar with the scent of Patchouli, and do you like it?

by Finy (follow)
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Are you familiar with the scent of Patchouli oil, and do you like it?

#Essential oils
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I love Patchouli - it is a delicious scent and I have ti in an oil that I use as perfume, and also in soap.
I buy it from a firm in Northern Territory who make all sorts of lovely items with no chemicals.

Patchouli is one that was around in the 80's I think it was, and was very popular then!
by Finy
Yes. I love patchouli !!! I would put the oil in my oil burner, when I used to burn oils. Now I have all these oils and no burner. I believe you can get electric ones now, which would be loads safer. I always worried about the oil and the candles.
I’v heard of it, but don’t know what it is and don’t don’t know what the scent smells like.
Yes, it's a lovely scent, rather earthy. I like to mix it with shea butter to make a moisturising balm or use as pillow perfume.
I've never even heard of it
by AJ
I honesty wouldn't recognise it. I would be curious to know what it smells like.
Dirt. Most sites describe it as "musky, like slightly moist soil" . . . I have no idea why I don't like it but I have always thought it smelled like dirt and hippies.Maybe the gypsies scared me as a child. ^_^
by Rice
Having just this minute answered the essential oil question I can truthfully say I loathe Patchouli for some reason . . . yet I love nearly every other oil. The minute I smell Patchouli I go in the other direction. Sorry, Finy!! x x x
by Rice
I think any fragrance can be polarising. Sometimes it is associated with a bad memory and sometimes we just don't like things with no apparent reason. If I smell YlangYlang my stomach lurches, yet some people love it.
by annfi
Hmmmmmm. Yes. I love it.
I have worn it as a perfume in the past. I have some patchouli scented soap in the drawer with my smalls. I enjoy the gentle fragrance rising from the drawer every time I open it.
I grew Patchouli when I had a prolific herb garden. I was slightly disappointed as the fragrance was so subtle it was almost indistinguishable. Maybe it would be different under different conditions.
by annfi
I was quite surprised to find that Patchouli belongs to the mint family. I agree about Ylang-ylang - it's very strong.
by Rice
No I don't like it……it reminds me of the first influx of hippies in Sydney in 70s. And musk, that's the same. It is true with perfumes, I think you associate the smell with the time you were having when you get the first smell of said perfume.
I got a whiff of a perfume on a lady some weeks back and thought it was lovely, asked her what it was and it was Arpege. The smell reminded me of my youth the same as Intimate and Aquamarine by Revlon……all smells associated when I was young and having a good time in the 60s.
Funny isn't it.
I liked it...'way back' but now I'm a lot older I don't like it. I do still have a tiny bottle of it, & I might try it in my underwear drawer now, just so I can use it up.
by Miro
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