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Are you excited that footy season has started this week?

by lizzi (follow)
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Rugby League season starts this week. Who's excited?

#Rugby League
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I didn't even know it was happening.
Not me! And from a pedantic British point of view, rugby is not the same as football.... not the same at all!
Not at all..... :(
I'm with Verity. I thought this was talking about proper football, not rugby! If that were the case I would be dreading it. I don't mind rugby though. It doesn't interest me, but I can watch it without it feeling like it is a punishment.
Yet another pastime for the mindless millions!
Put as much energy into workplace & Oz would be unbelievably wealthy.......
Not at all. It's 'Aussie Rules' where I live.
TV/radio, news,will soon be full of hamstrings,men behaving badly, the week's fave boy kicking a piece of leather, and naturally his partner, who is a model,celebrity
..... and the word hero will be used a lot. Luckily even our offspring and friends aren't interested.
I do like watching distance running tho, and
x country horse/riders, so I'm not totally anti sport.

I'm a huge fan of the North Qld Cowboys and am pretty excited about footy season - hoping to get away to Townsville for some camping and catch a game. I hate footballers, but don't mind watching the game...go figure!
Not me.........
Nope :(
No, no and no.
Couldn't care less - waste of good tv space and football games and footballers are such a hugely over-rated item - bring the game back to normal; fair wages for a good player but none of the absurd millions - I won't be watching!
Has it?
Not really, I live near the mcg and the mess is always a major problem after a game, however it is jobs for the cleanup crew and it keeps the fans occupied.
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