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Are you encouraged by motivational quotes?

by Gia (follow)
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Source: Pixabay

Are you encouraged by motivational quotes or are they just corny?

#Motivational quotes
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Many motivational quotes inspire me. I copy the ones that motivate me and ponder their wisdom. I don't classify quotes that are corny as 'motivational'.
I have ONLY one that I like very much.
Old Polonius knew a thing or two, didn't he, jonaj?
Good advice about NOT lending money, too!
by donjo
I love motivational quotes! So much wisdom to be learnt..
by Jane
Not encouraged my motivational quotes at all! Some are corny, but some have beautiful thoughts and others an element of sense.
There are some I like but I find them to be mostly corny. The older ones are treasure trove of wisdom but the modern ones I find rather narcissistic.
by Gia
Some are corny, but some are motivational. I don't seek them out, but can sometimes appreciate them. I go to The Word when in need of a pick-me-up.
by Vee
I love them. I have a Pinterest board full of them. There is so much negativity around us in the world today that it's lovely to get a little boost of motivation or happiness. Even if it's just for that moment you're reading them.
No, but some are quite interesting to read.
No. They do nothing for me at all. Imotivate myself without the use or need for quotes.
Not usually, but one I remember is......
'Even the worst person can be held up as a bad example'.
That was my useless m/i/l to a t!

No - I think most of them are trite and pretty corny.
No, I'm not into 'motivational quotes' I somehow find them annoying!
by Miro
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