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Are you creative-experimental in cooking?

by Finy (follow)
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Are you creative/experimental in your cooking, or do you do the easiest, same recipes all the time?

#Creative cooking
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I have always been what you would term a 'creative' cook!!! Recipes are only ever there as a guide for me to add to,or delete from at my own whim!!!! I only ever used a recipe 'to the letter' when in Home economics class at High School!!
This actually was marvellous for my son who would take notice of all I was ever getting up to in the kitchen,and he could create marvellously delicious meals from when he was about 9 years of age. He has now been a chef for 15 years and he creates some truly fabulous dishes. I grow all my own fresh herbs,and always have various tomatoes out in my garden.At present there are 3 varieties ripening!!! I cannot imagine eating the same thing all the time,and just not using all the wonderful ingredients available to make interesting meals on a regular basis!
I am definitely creative and experimental in my cooking.

I do it mainly to publish on recipe yum, and being on my own sometimes seems a shame for the cooking I do!

I love experimenting, and look forward to the days I can just stay home and cook!

I think I was different when I HAD to do it for a partner - then it was somehow not as enjoyable as it was expected of me however living alone I can make what I want, when I want, and how I want. So, definitely love experimenting with new and different foods.
by Finy
No. No imagination at all. My daughter is the queen of that stuff.
by Rice
Not on the least. My wife is the cooking genius in the family. Sometimes I contribute ideas but they are often impractical.
I do a lot of experimental with rice and pasta salads.
We enjoy that kind of food, with a touch of Mediterranean taste....I know there is so much that can be so yummy by just using different combinations.
I try new recipes at least weekly and sometimes twice weekly. It allows us to try new tastes. I have so many recipes that were cut out of magazines or newspapers. I like to TRY them a couple of times a week, and if we like them we keep them, or if we don't OUT it goes !!!! So, we are trying new things all the time. My husband is the experimental one when cooking, as he will often throw in all kinds of vegies, herbs, or different ingredients to improve on the original recipe. Sometimes he just makes up a meal out of things in the cupboard or fridge.
I like trying different recipes. Some turn out and some fail. I enjoy cooking. I find it relaxing.
I don't mind cooking, but I couldn't find it relaxing. Any feeling of relaxation is quickly dashed by thoughts of cleaning up. :-(
by Vee
Yes I do .like to try different recepie's, I get bored with the same old same old.
Nope, not now.
Did when kids' were little.
Was young, & interested then.

Now I'm old, & couldn't give a brass razoo!
Yes and sadly there have been times when the food has gone in the bin as the food as the food has not been to the taste that my wife likes.
I sill try dent things, like grinding mushrooms to put in soup dishes or on steaks.
I am experimental using recipes. Recipes are just a springboard for my imagination. I read them and start substituting straight away. I haven't got one thing but I have another, too much salt in recipe, some yoghurt instead of cream, sunflower seeds will add texture...whatever.
Unfortunately I am not always an inspired cook. As others have said- duty can take the fun out of it. In the past I have had a good herb garden, unfortunately my hens have ravaged it lately, and food is not as delicious without home grown herbs and veges. Our home grown eggs are very good.
yes! I love trying new recipes. I don't make faces with food though, but i do enjoy experimenting with flavours.
I like to try out new recipes, but that's about it. I'm not very creative in the kitchen. I usually follow a recipe to 'the t'. Did have some luck modifying a recipe in one of the Coles or Woolies mags though. The recipes in there can be a bit bland. Added a splash of wine, doubled the herbs, threw in some bacon - the dish was divine. But that's about as far as my experimentation goes.
by Vee
Ah, a girl after my own heart. (and I don't find it realxing either)
by Rice
:-) Thanks, Rice.
by Vee
I love cooking new dishes and experimenting with different ingredients and recipes. However, I do not really follow recipes but rather add amounts depending on what "feels" right. This is something I have learned at 14 years of age from my father who is a wonderful cook.

My favourite thing to do at times is simply examine my kitchen and come up with a recipe depending on what I have available.
I don't mind experimenting, it really depends on my mood, when my son was little, I would try to do things to make them interesting to eat out of vegies, and I used to look for different ideas.
Yes, I love making anew recipe every evening for at least a year. I date them all, & have a file on line to make sure I don't make the same recipe again during the next 12 months. When I used to get recipes from cook books, many many years ago, I'd date every recipe I made in pencil, so I wouldn't cook it again for at least 12 months.
by Miro
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