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Are you comfortable wearing a plunging neckline?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: En.wikipedia.org

Are you comfortable wearing a plunging neckline, or are you too modest to show off your cleavage?

#Low neckline
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I don't feel like my cleavage is sufficient to warrant a plunging neckline.
oh dear Matt -what can we do for you!!!!
by Finy
Boys can buy b00bies too :-))
by Rice
Definitely not anymore!

My skin is not so nice anymore so I tend to cover it nowadays, as against flaunting it.

Silly part is, I have more to flaunt now than when I was younger!!
by Finy
I feel better covered up. The only person I like being sexy for is my spouse. I do feel uncomfortable when I am talking to a lady who has her bosom exposed.
by Gia
That is so nice Gia. So nice to hear.
by fran.
Well said. :)
by Vee
I like wearing plunging necklines - I feel like I'm being strangled if I wear a high neck. Also, I'm breastfeeding at the moment and lower necklines make that easier - especially on a dress!
Yep, definitely more convenient for breastfeeding, unless you have a dress with a higher neckline but with flaps or boob access at the side.
If I had somewhere special to go,I would wear a lower neckline,otherwise I simply wear what is most comfortable for what I have to do at any given time.I hate really high necklines as I just find them hot and uncomfortable!I guess I wear more middle of the road(chest!!!) tops these days,as I do tend to wear for comfort more than impact on others!
I don't like a plunging neckline - I don't find it attractive - just a personal view
by AJ
No, I'd be scared they'd fall out!
Me too! The thought of what might happen next . . . oh, the horror. I keep the girls on a tight rein.
by Rice
Yep. Not every day, but if I'm dressed up to go out for an evening sometimes I will show a bit more cleavage.
No. I literally feel sick when I catch a man looking at my breasts, so I don't wear plunging necklines. It makes me feel so objectified. Besides, I've always had a thing for high necklines and plunging backs.

That is a nice set you have there Finy, LOL - much nicer than my 'mother's breasts. Now I'm objectifying! Oh well, my guess is, that image was taken with the subject's consent. Good question too!
by Vee
why thank you Vee -it WAS a long time ago and I do not, sadly, look like that anymore!
by Finy
You catch my drift?
by Vee
Not since I started breast feeding and they are way too big. They get enough attention as it is covered up at the moment.
half your luck Sarah!
by Finy
LOL, we always want what we don't have, and don't want what we do!

Well like a lot of things....I used to wear plunging necklines, now more modest in this regard....
by Fran
I have always been too shy to wear a plunging neckline. I don't mind a low cut neckline but plunging - no.
So tell me this
Is a man supposed to look or not.
I know it is very hard not to look but it makes you feel creepy if you do.
You are a pervert if you do or a wimp if you don't
What is with that.
When in a meeting with a woman dressed in this way it is very difficult for a man.
Some times I think that women do it to gain an advantage.
I never thought of it this way!
I do not really think though they do it for that reason -I think it is really attention seeking, or even perhaps showing off -I guess we know men are attracted by it and it is nice to get the attention? That would account for some.

I understand what you are saying about looking or not looking -must be difficult -I actually dont agree with it especially as in the photo -I think it is totally unnecessary and some of the ball gowns on footballers wives leave nothing to the imagination and I personally believe this iws "tacky" and unsophisticated.
by Finy
I guess it is different for each individual.
Overall though I believe it is one way most women attract attention to themselves for the purpose of developing relationships with men.
The issue is should they be married women what is the message they are sending out?

by kstew
It absolutely HAS to be that they do it for attention. Because, they absolutely don't HAVE to wear a low cut neckline.
There a lot of young ladies out there that flaunt it because it seems to be the fashion at the moment (big bosoms and big round bums as well) but I always think that the bigger the bosoms the more matronly the girls look.
I feel sorry for the opposite sex - they cannot win. If they look they are a pervert, If they don't look they can be accused of a few things.
What between the problems the men have and the problem of females being pinched for being topless if not on a beach that is zoned "nudist", indecent dressing when necklines are plunging and OK if breastfeeding because they are "working breasts". Sure is a hard one, particularly for the blokes.

by fran.
There is a similar issue with mini skirts, to look or not to look. A woman cant say they are practcal, can they, so they must be designed for looking at. Funnily enough the same woman on a tennis court may not get a second glance ( note i said may not)
by denmu
I can't even wear a non revealing lower neckline, because I had heart surgery 17 years ago and if I do wear something that even shows the top of my scar people always tend to look straight at the scar. I am proud of my scar don't get me wrong, but I do not like people asking questions and alot of people do.
I never have, and never will.
Some things are better not to see, because it shows way too much.
I don't like men looking, but then again....they wouldn't if women didn't show so much.....e.g.the pic is way way too much, out in public.In my opinion.
Not so much plunging but still there is cleavage a nice amount not like something that is low low or squashed together to me that looks like bum cheeks not boobs, I can't help myself I have to look it's not flattering. I have big boobs so just a nice amount of cleavage looks nice that's looking straight at the mirror now I'm short so anyone taller gets a different view and you can see the eyes going down. I can't stand high neck lines I'm always pulling at it, I feel like I'm getting strangled. They are my big boobs people look anyway. I will always looks neat with a nice necklace not a big bum hanging out the wrong end lol

Yes. When you are nursing you need the quickest easiest access to the boobs possible.
I feel better to cover up. My skin and cleavage is nice but I do not like that everyone can see my body.
Nothing to see here, folks!
Not at all! The way some women dress is really beyond the pale!
Nice cleavage and braless is really nice,an my lover looks amazing
Heehee . . just wait till they fly south for the winter.
by Rice
Oh! Rice.....hahahahah.........true talk!
by donjo
Don't mind low-cut but wouldn't wear plunging neckline. Can't stand high-necked clothes though as they make me feel claustrophobic. Mind you, when appropriate, if you've got it, flaunt it!
Yes, but then I am a male.
Seeing plunging necklines does not offend me, or I believe, most other males.

In my family we all have a generous share . . . and none of us has ever worn a plunging neckline. I would feel very, very self conscious in the top pictured. Makes me laugh when I think that our biggest worry was straps giving out.
by Rice
.......or even showing!
My late Mother taught me that a LADY never shows any part of her underclothes!

The way some women dress today, ALL is on show, & it ain't nice..................
by donjo
Ooooh, yuk . . .straps showing. We would have died!
by Rice
None of my dresses have plunging necklines. I'm to old for them, & I don't have enough to 'show off' anyway!
by Miro
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