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Are you comfortable in a crowd or do you prefer one on one?

by Finy (follow)
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Crowd (4)      Comfortable (1)     

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Are you comfortable in a crowd of people, or more comfortable in a one on one situation?

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I do not like crows at all and will avoid them whenever I can.

I do not mind say, the city crowds, however hate things where there are heaps of people and do not particularly like big parties.

I am far more comfortable in a small group or a one on one situation.
by Finy
Yes,I agree with you,as I am not at all fond of CROWS either!! There must be a reason why a group of these birds is called a 'murder'!!! Hee Hee Hee!!!
by Jules
Crows in the Tower of London, perhaps?
by donjo
Tower of London has Ravens, not crows.
by delbr
Aah, delbr, I was just being 'in the moment', which you have just ruined! Thanks a lot!
Am well aware which bird-type is in London Tower!
by donjo
Getting dejevu regarding this question..sure wew have had before...
My job is basically performing in front of a crowd as a celebrant so I am used to crowds and can hold my own socially in one. However I also really enjoy one to one conversation.
by Fran
I am a very private sort of person,and I avoid noisy crowded situations at all times!! I even need to really be in the right frame of mind just to have a single visitor! I far prefer my beloved dogs to most human beings.Having made this comment,I DO have some very dear friends who I would do anything for,and whose company I truly enjoy.But even so,I do not need to be with them all the time!
Im ok in a crowd for a little bit, then I somehow find a way to get out of it.
by Gia
I'm no fan of crowds.

I was in a crowd of people only once, and they started to fight and go a tad crazy!
The Police came very quickly.

I too prefer one on one or a group is fine.
I see a crowd of people is more than 100.
I'm definitely more comfortable with smaller crowds
by AJ
I'm not keen on crowds. After years of living in London, I can manoeuvre through a crowd with no difficulty but generally prefer to avoid them if I can!
I avoid crowds completely they are unpleasant and I will avoid anything that has other people present.
I prefer spending time with people one-on-one, but if I am going out with one person, or with a few, to a place where there will be a crowd - I'm all for that. I think gathering with people you don't know for a shared event or activity is pretty great.
by Vee
I don't mind being in a crowd.
Same here!
by donjo
I hate them because I feel like I'm being squashed and can't breathe, partly because I'm only 5 foot tall so can't see past the person in front of me.

I tolerate them when I have to, like peak hour trains, etc, but would prefer to avoid them.
I loathe crowds.
When young, I was not permitted to attend pop concerts or football games, and have no desire to do so now. I do not enjoy anonymous people pushing, shoving and shouting, and do much to avoid them. Speakng/singing/acting to a crowd is different - the crowd is not crowding me :-)
A crowd doesn't worry me in the slightest.

Reading others' comments, I can understand their various concerns.
It would concern me, if I HAD those fears! Not good at all.
I don't enjoy crowds. Even avoid large shopping centres. If I have to go to one I'm always there before opening so I can leave as soon as I've done my errand
I think as I've got older I don;t like crowds.
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