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Are you careful with money?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you spend money easily, and often?

Or, are you very careful with your money and tend not to spend easily?

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I am very careful with money as I do not have a high income. I don't believe in paying for brand label clothes. You can often get just as good at op shops and I furnished my house with a lot of op shop bargains. I always pay bills on time and especially visa card. I have a chart of annual bills and divide it by 12 and put that much money into a bills account so the money is always there when the bills come.'That way I know what I can spend on non necessities. Works well as you don't overspend. Have done this all my working life and especially now I am on the pension.
I definitely spend money easily -I am tending to stay away from shops as I seem to buy every time I get near a shop.

by Finy
Ha ha.....well I try to be as 'have to', and can't afford expensive holidays but do very well day to day thank you! F
by Fran
I don't have a habit of spending more money.I buy stuffs which are required.
I think I am. We all have a tendency to spend money easily. In my business I get paid every 1-3 months for my services, hence the credit card comes in handy, and it is linked to my house. I've just paid it off - yay! Even on a six figure income, I think I am careful with my cash. Like everyone, I have expenses to match that high income, especially as I am putting as much of my income as I can into my mortgage on my house to kill it fast!
I am careful with money. I don't like to spend it on things I don't need, and I prefer to purchase food rather than clothing or household items.
by Vee
Well it's like this, I will go without something needed if it is $2.00 more than normal.
I never throw food out.
I wear the same jumpers 20 years later, and have not bought new clothes for 10 years.

Yep! I'm careful.
I budget, then buy what I want which falls within the budget. That way money gets allocated for the bills before I hit the shops. When I don't do this, I spend way too freely and don't leave enough.
For years I have maintained a daily transaction expense and income and balance in a book and at the end of each month I work out where my money was foolishly spent.

This method has kept me above board and within budget.

I also transfer $60 from my salary forthnightly into another account and keep watching it grow until that sudden expense comes around.

I also put everything onto MYOB accounting programme, however this does not stop me spending!
by Finy
try to be, but no....
Kind of. Ensure bills get paid firstly, b4 spending on the 'fun' things, like groceries!
I can go either way. I never get into debt, other than ebay purchases on my credit card. This debt is cleared every month by direct debit. In some ways I guess I am careful but, life is for living, and a little of what you fancy does no harm if you can afford it and I consider myself fortunate that I can do that.
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