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Are you aware of Stevia as an alternative to sugar?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Pixabay.com

Stevia is a plant, as per the photo.
When sold, it is generally in powder form and the above link to an article has some interesting information about the processed stevia.

Have you heard of stevia, and have you, or would you, ever use it?

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I have a small jar of Stevia but I have had it so long that it is well expired -however I think it is still perfectly OK.

I no longer seem to use it as do not take sugar in my tea or coffee any more however it was excellent for that.

I even tried growing it at one stage and the leaves were sickly sweet but fascinating to grow.

I think you can now buy it in liquid form?
It was quite expensive when I first bought it and not sure if it is now cheaper with more things like this around.

I now use other sweeteners however recently read that as far as calories go, they all have the same.

I guess the others just are not processed as much as some sugars -I use coconut sugar in baking anyway.

Currently I do not use Stevia.
by Finy
I have given up sugar too, Finy. I have not really used much Stevia recently either. When I try growing Stevia again I might powder the leaves and put them in vodka as this seems to be the purest way, according to many natural eating gurus. In truth, I would sooner try to give up my sweet tooth altogether.
by Rice
I have tried to give up my sweet tooth and have done so for weeks at a time but I always end up back there! I think if it is there, it is there -like, it is what it is! And I don't drink or anything else much so figure if I can't eat what I want in my old age, I might as well be dead -however I AM slim!
by Finy
I am now finding that sweet things make my insides hurt, so it may be a blessing in disguise. Also, I have the liquid Stevia in my pantry . . it is still in my pantry because I felt it had a different taste and I did not really like it so much.
by Rice
probably more processed in liquid form? I used Coconut syrup and agave syrup
by Finy
Yes, Finy, I think you have probably hit the nail on the head :-)
by Rice
Yes, I have been using Stevia for about 5 years. I tried growing it but my black fingers won out. I would actually prefer to use the 100% leaf to the commercially blended type. I'll try again.
by Rice
Yes I would too, Rice -hence I tried to grow it without much success.
It is a bit difficult to use the leaves though as they are so sweet and small
by Finy
Maybe we should give it just one more go, Finy :-))
by Rice
I have seen it but never given it a try. I am a bit weary of trying these sweetners but will give it a go.
it is not a sweetener like the artificial kind -it is a natural, grown in a plant sweetener, and not the type that is not good for you
by Finy
Also used as a health supplement by the indigenous people and *shock, horror* is good for tooth health.
by Rice
YES! I went to an alternative doctor once and he prescribed my Stevia, gave me a bag of powdered Stevia, to treat hypoglycaemia. I love the stuff, use to use it all the time, especially in cooking cakes and other sweets. They now use it in COKE LIFE! It's becoming more and more widespread.
At one stage my mother bought us a Stevia plant which only lasted one season, from which I made some delicious Stevia tea!
Pippa -you would have to like sweet tea for that? I like sweets but do not like tea or coffee sweet as it takes away the taste.
by Finy
Not particularly.
I made it quite week with a small amount of dried leaves
by pippa
I have stevia in my cupboard but it is rarely ever used. I used it recently for stewed rhubarb.
by AJ
Yes I have heard about it....not sure if I would use it, all the time.
Another thing on my to do list for 2016.
It has side effects tooo ya know?
by Finy
I found that it does what people want, but side effects are real.
It is up to each person to have a look maybe on Google to get
insight into what can be some serious side effects..Then make
your own choice.It is not a quick look, but to be intelligent I
feel a couple of hours reading what others say, and doctors is
well worth the effort.
With anything like this I like to confine myself to looking into
side effects, and it would seem this has some serious ones.

The solution really is to cut down on 'Sugar' by 80% in one's own diet.

That is the best plan, by far.

by jonaja
Curses. Now I have read up on it and I am glad I have decided to forgo *sweetness* (sob) altogether. I have been doing quite well without sugar. However, my sweetness bones might have to have a wee drop of honey from time to time or I might fall off the wagon. That's what we get for not reading balanced articles :(
by Rice
Bless ya heart Rice, better to know now than later :) head up.
by jonaja
Yes, I have grown stevia and it is a wonderful plant to eat raw on its own, to add to salads, drinks, cocktails and to also put into cakes.
Oh yes. I have used it in my tea for years. In cooking I prefer to use real sugar as stevia is a lot sweeter than sugar and may alter the taste of my cooking.
Yes, I know of stevia and have tried it, but I find it too sweet tasting to use. I've had a difficult time finding a good substitute for me for sugar in baking.
As much as there is too much sugar abundent in most of our processed foods, and plenty of natural sugars in our healthy choice foods, so extra sugars by choice should be very limited to near zero. Fat chance thou... I need sweet!

Unfortunately I have tried all the alternatives, including Stevia, and it is just rotton .com vile to me, as are most others. They leave such a acrid after taste, similar to shop made/bought coffee, a mouthfull of horrid.

So it is raw sugar, in very limited and balanced quantities. Real is best for me.
Yes, have heard of it.

No, I wouldn't use it.

Have been using small amounts of Raw Sugar for decades.
Will stay with that.
Yes,I have grown it very successfully over the years! I think the first time I ever grew it was in about 2005.I did it more out of curiosity as I have a huge number of different herbs growing in my garden! I found the leaves sooooo sweet that I don't think you would need more than half a leaf in a cup of tea!But I put that small piece of leaf in the cup BEFORE pouring the freshly brewed piping hot tea over it to release its sweetness!! My neighbour gave me some commercial stevia sweetener which a friend had given to him,and which he did not like.I have not used it though! I only have half to one teaspoon of raw sugar in a cup of tea anyway, so I am not overly worried about this! Sometimes I will use honey instead of sugar,depending on the tea I am drinking.
so you have no trouble growing it?
You live in the tropics and I live in Perth, so perhaps it needs humidity as someone else said they tried unsuccessfully growing stevia.
by Finy
I am always being told that I have green thumbs and fingers as just about everything I have in my collection of plants does very well,and without any special care!! I do keep my herbs under shadecloth or the shade of a huge mango tree.plus I give everything a jolly good drink each afternnon into evening.
I believe that these things definitely help a lot. This morning I found several stunning blooms on my Old English Roses,so go figure!!!! I certainly haven't a clue what I am doing to make everything so happy,but I am very glad that I am surrounded by all these wonderful plants!! They make me smile each morning when I go out to see what is transpiring in the yard!!
by Jules
Hadn't heard of it as I tend to use raw sugar, however had a quick google search (yes lots to read) and it is 300 times sweeter than sugar! It it is in coke than it can't be good! I will stick to raw sugar thank you...
I am wary of stevia. I think I would ask a couple of health professionals before giving it a go.
by Vee
I've heard of it but not inclined to use it.
No, I hadn't heard of it. We never use sugar in anything anyway, as I don't do any baking.
by Miro
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