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Are you allergic to pollen, drugs, or any other things?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Are you allergic to pollen, or other things particularly things in the garden?

Also are you allergic to any common drugs?

#Allergy to drugs
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I often sneeze three times in the morning however, as far as I know, I am not allergic to anything.

Perhaps I am but I do not know what it is..

Not allergic to any drugs/medicine.
by Finy
Nothing that I know of. Thank goodness.
by Vee
I have well controlled asthma from years of smoking I have been told (thank goodness I gave up some years ago) so I have to watch smoke and the like but apart from that.....only some people! (not many really)
by fran
Oh Dear! I am so very allergic to so many things that my specialist told me I should be put in a bubble like the boy in that movie some years back. As a child I had to have my new pet puppy returned to the breeder as I was so allergic to her,and that started my round-about of tests and injections twice a week for 10 years!! This definitely increased my tolerance to a good many things,though reading a newspaper the day it is printed is still a no-no as I react to the ink so badly while it is fresh!! I was never tested for foods and drugs back then so I was still always very ill. At 23 I was re-tested for all the old known allergies again,plus foods and drugs,which prompted several more years of treatment and actually going on an elimination diet to work out the best way to re-intrduce even common foodstuffs back slowly and in tiny amounts back into my diet. But I am totally unable to eat shell fish of any kind,most dairy products,
egg and anything with salicilates in. This has been a nightmare as all fruit and Vegies contain salicylates as their natural preservatives beneath the skin.The riper they are,the more of this culprit they contain.I have lost count of the number of grapes I have peeled over the years out of necessity,not for the fun of it!! I am also very allergic to most drugs including Asprin which is pure salicilate and a brilliant anti-inflammatory,all NSAIDS which are used for arthritic conditions which I suffer with in a very serious way; many antibiotics which upset the gastro intestinal regions of the body,and the list goes on and on,and on and on.... So my friends,who would like to peel me some grapes and read me the latest news?! Ha ha ha ha!!!!
I'm allergic to egg whites (albumen)
No, I'm not allergic to anything. I'm quite lucky.
As far as I know, I'm not alergic to anything. A dusty environment may cause me to sneeze much, but thats about it as far as I know.
No thankfully I am not
by AJ
Dust mites set me sneezing like crazy.
by Lucy
Wool, lanolin, some grasses and plants.
Am allergic to Wool & Lace, next to my skin. So no 'naughty' underwear for me!

My Winter Army Uniform had to be FULLY lined, every part of it down to edges of jacket cuffs! It was beautiful Pure Australian Wool!

I remember one winter's night at TAFE, lady sitting next to me asked if I was all right; I said 'yes, why?'. She replied my neck was as red as a beetroot! I had a crew neck wool skivvy on, but had a scarf under it around my neck. The scarf had slipped, & the pure wool was next to my skin! Soon fixed it up, & redness dissipated.

It's a real nuisance, as I think Wool is just the best for warmth! But as long as have a 'spencer' underneath, I'm fine. DON'T wear wool slacks, unbearable itchiness & scratching!
not that i'm aware of
Pollen and freshly mown grass tend to give me hayfever
Nothing that I've been told about.
by Miro
PS: I've now been told I have asthma, so a naturopath has taken me off: flour, sugar, & diary. I hope this won't last for very long. At least I'm not coughing 6 times a day & 3 times a night now, but I so did love my dark chocolate, Vegemite, & a biscuit for afternoon tea.
by Miro
I am allergic to some things.
Well I will never know until it hits!
A while ago they dumped some soil in a area of our park, and because it was a warm day....the soil gave off a certain heavy smell.

Next thing I knew, I was in the back of a Ambulance being taken to Hospital.

Thank goodness for great friend across from my house.
Jonaja, Do you know what happened to you from the awful soil smell? How long were you in hospital for? I hope that hasn't happened again since then.
by Miro
Miro, I was unable to walk much, and very confused and it was toxins from the certain type of soil, that had become wet overnight.Then in the day it gave off a very awful smell, because the day was hot ! I never want that to happen again, and I am very careful not to be around large mounds of soil. I was in Hospital a good few hours, so they could do tests.
by jonaja
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