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Are you a worry wart?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Marin -www.freedigitalphotos.net

Some people worry about things that have not yet happened.

Some worry about things that have already happened.

Whereas others do not worry at all!

Are you a Worry Wart who worries about a lot of things?

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I am definitely a worry wart.

I worry about things that COULD happen, that MIGHT happen, and that HAVE happened. It gets me nowhere and causes further worry so is a viscous circle.

My father once said to me that my mother was not happy unless she was worrying about something -it must be a hereditary trait.

I often pull myself up when worrying and change the thoughts in my head, however am a real worry wart nevertheless.
by Finy
I try really hard not too.

Alas, I am not always the winner of this battle.
Yes, I think I am. I worry a lot about things that are often out of my control. I try very hard to be more laid back, but I rarely pull this off. I worry so much about my family and friends, about things that haven't even happened yet, and likely need to take a lot more in my stride. It's something I'm working on as I know it's not the best use of my time.
Unfortunately I am a worrier.
And its about things that have not and may not ever happen
by AJ
Not anymore, I have learnt that the best way to approach your life challenges is not worry about what might happen. Instead conserve your energy so that when things do happen you will have the energy and the clarity to deal with it.
Yup - but sometimes that means you've managed out comes so that things run smoothly
I do worry, but I don't think I am a worry wart. I only worry to a realistic extent and don't let it bother me. My rule is: think of the worst that can happen and prepare yourself for it. In this case, no matter what happens, I have already prepared myself.
Yes I worry about everything
I worry about the past , present and future and all things in between too.
This is the beginning of the thinking trap.
Logically i know that almost all that I worry about will not ever happen, but i do it anyway.
Time to change this and allow myself to enjoy the moment.

by Zen
Yes yes yes! And I absolutely hate myself for it. It's uncontrollable, ruins my mood over things that aren't even an issue, and no matter what I do, I'm always restless. :(
I can relate to all that Xarah -a friend told me to tap on my cheek with two fingers when I start to worry about things not yet happened and probably never will!
by Finy
Really? Wow, Finy - I must try this! I'm worrying about something right now (although it's already happened) - maybe it will help me calm down a bit :(
by Xarah
Xarah -I think if it has already happened it is at least a legitimate worry! but worrying about things that COULD happen is stupid, although i do it non stop
by Finy
I AM!! I gotta admit that. Most often my wart grows bigger by the minute and lasts until meet my partner and discuss it in detail, listing out each option, outcome and course of action step by step!
Yes, I am inherently a worrier and some of this is inherated. My mother was a worrier and its a learned behaviour. But, what i have learned as an adult is to manage worry and to learn to 'let some things go' so as to retain that energy for 'bigger worries'. That is the mantra I tell myself and it works....the real lesson of course is to release yourself from worry as a conscious action....it works...and feels great....
I used to worry a lot more when I was younger, but these days I've learnt to simply 'go with the flow' of life. Now I rarely worry.
Yes! I worry about everything! I think I have been a worry wart since childhood and having kids of my own to worry about it's probably gotten worse!!! My counseller (a very wise woman!), told me that I am what is called a "catastrophiser". I always think of the worst possible scenario for even the most minor things and then blow it all out of proportion. I pretty well do that with everything!!! I doubt if I'll ever change I'm afraid, it's just the way I am!!! Mandy E.
I am such a big worry wart. I can't help it... no matter how hard I have tried, worrying seems to be a fall back emotional position for me. I do admit that I have been diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder, which just tells you how much I worry, even when it isn't warranted.

Funnily enough most people would probably say that I don't seem worried about stuff and that I look more or less together. But on the inside, it's like fingernails scraping down the blackboard and mice running around on their play wheel without hope of getting off any time soon.

That's why I do art and write. It's because I must. I have to get it out.

How's that for a public admission!
Very well confessed, Selina!
by Finy
No my partner does the worrying for both of use
I try to keep it under control, but when something really worries me, it becomes visible to the naked eye.
Sometimes I worry needlessly and at other times I don't. It annoys me when I find myself worrying about whether I did the right thing decades ago. How crazy is that? I manage to push those worries away but why do they pop into my head to start with?

There are times I find myself worrying how I would cope if certain things were to happen in the future. I make an effort to reassure myself I would cope, someone would provide help or things would sort themselves out.
Yes! I worry about about everything. What dress to wear when Ii'm going out, will we catch the bus, & so on & so on. I like it when my husband tries to calm me down. He's vey patient.
by Miro
Seems like I am in good company.
by Rice
Yes, I would say I'm a worry wart,I can't help it.
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