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Are you a techno junkie?

by chipp (follow)
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Technology has almost taken over our lives from mobile phones to the internet. Sometimes we almost feel lost without at least one of these items with us. Are you a techno junkie? What is your 'must have' electronic?

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I 'must have' my phone on me most of the time just in case my husband needs to get in touch with me or vice versa (he doesn't have the safest of jobs). Otherwise, I check my email and contribute to HubGarden from a laptop. Other than that, I try to keep contact with technology to a minimum. Sometimes I wish I could simply switch off altogether.
by Vee
Sadly yes. That iPhone is addictive with safari.
I wouldn't call myself a techno junkie ... But I do love my iphone.

I am to the point of making sure, what has just been invented.

The latest is a contact for your eyes that you wear. (See pic) .

There are also others that you can wear on your wrist, that can 'open' doors...connect to computers the list is endless.Store your bank details, ect etc.
I used to be - but in recent weeks, I've tried to only use my laptop when at work/uni, and then take a break. I also put my phone on Airplane mode for the night so that I can have some time to breathe and not worry about missing any calls at ungodly hours.
I found lately that I have to have my iphone around. Before, I would loose the phone, but as soon as a I was given an Iphone I realized how versatile it is. Big Techno Junkie! ;)
I do not own a mobile phone. When I tell people this they look at my like i'm lying .I'm defiantly a luddite

Oh! butterfly lady, I concur! It interests me not one jot!
I do have a 'half-brick' Nokia Mobile for my security, which is with me at all times, especially when leaving the house.
I've this ITablet, which took one of my bosse's TWO years' to convince me to buy! I have it for News items, & watching missed SBS & ABC TV programmes. If I leave it at home, it doesn't stress me at all! Cheers!
by donjo
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