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Are you a risk taker in any form?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you consider yourself a risk taker?

Why or why not?

#Risk taker
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I am a very slight risk taker.

Being a cancerian I think we do not easily take risks and like to feel safe in our home!

Possibly this is something that has also come as I got older, as I used to take risks when young -I think when you are young you are often invincible, and now I know I am not, so I don't like risks generally.
by Finy
No, I don't take risks. I like to feel in control so risk taking doesn't come naturally.
Not in jumping off a cliff into rocky water!

As far as other things,like buying a house 'without even seeing it'...yes!
did that.
Or going into areas that others would not go (due to my job)....yes, I do that.

I believe I am fairly conservative in this regard, do not take physical risks, particularly at this stage of life, however I think I have been brave in areas such as not compromising myself and what I believe in, joining new things, actively seeking and meeting new people, staying on my own which has been challenging over the years as a sole parent....rather than settling for second best....JUST to have a man in my life.
by Fran
I tend to be a very cautious person but I think that's because my job requires me to think about potential risks
by AJ
Got to take risks in life.. I like to live on the edge when things go sour in life a little risk is a great pick me up.. If it goes well! But how do u no if anything will go well untill u take the risk
No, I don't like taking risks. I usually end up making the wrong decision, so I wouldn't do anything where risk was involved. I'm quite cowardly really.
I am not much of a risk taker at all.But this does not mean that I do everything which is easy. Quite the opposite in fact! Since becoming far to ill to work just prior to turning 50,I tend to push my muscles and joints to their limit,despite the excruciating pain this causes.The reason is that if I do NOT do this,and just sit comfortably in a chair watching boring TV all day,my body will stiffen more quickly and become even worse!!! I do not want to be like so many old folk I see who have no life at all!! But I am CAREFUL in all I do,never risking my safety on purpose! I call it using common sense rather than being risk-averse!!!
Not really. When I was nineteen, though, I tried sky-diving....which is a bit risky, to say the least.
Oh! Carolyn that took heaps of 'intestinal fortitude' to do!
I'm a great believer in 'why jump out of a perfectly working plane'!
by donjo
The biggest risk I took was to marry a man I barely knew. Thankfully it turned out to be the best decision.
Wouldn't have been involved in ALL the sports I've done, if I wasn't a risk taker!

Especially horse riding, which at various times, has involved playing Polo, Polocrosse, Cross Country, Show Jumping & Show Riding!
That's enough for anyone's lifetime of risk!
BUT, oh, what FUN was had!
No, not me, I'm a big wimp! I'm terrified of heights. but I've never been afraid of flying, except for being in a 10 seater plane flying over the Grand Canyon, (there & back!) For me personally, I like everything to be 'normal'!
by Miro
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