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Are you a reformed smoker?

by Finy (follow)
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Are you a reformed smoker, and how long ago did you give it up?

#Reformed smoker
#Ex smoker
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I sure am!
Adn we are the worst....I cannot stand the smell of cigarettes and can tell if someone is a smoker straight away as they reek of smoke -I also have a strong sense of smell.

I cannot understand how I could have smoked for so many years when I find it so abhorrent now...odd!
by Finy
I have never smoked.
I have a deep fear of being hooked onto anything in life.
That alone has helped me for many years.
Yes I am....I gave up with hypnosis...it took 3 goes with time inbetween, the last time it worked for good....of course it depends on your attitude also, YOU HAVE TO WANT TO GIVE UP!
by Fran
Yes and about forty years ago

Cheers Anne

Good for you Anne. :D
by Vee
No. I have never smoked a cigarette in my life. They are amongst the most vile things - if not the most vile thing - one could put in one's mouth. Hmm.
by Vee
I have never smoked a single cigarette and nor have any of my family members. My father did occasionally enjoy a fragrant pipe when I was very small,but even that was a VERY rare occurrence! Smokjing is something whiuch I have always detested immensely,so much so that when a lovely young man wanted to go out with me when I was 16,I told him that if he was serious,he would have to give up smoking! And to his credit,and my delight,he DID!!!
Nope. I've never smoked.
No - I never started because I have low grade asthma.
Back in the day, at a Formal Army dinner, one had a cigarette after Dinner, with the glass of Port.

Nowadays, that no longer happens. Shame, because it was part of the 'tradition'.
This is when I enjoyed a cigarette, as it added to the camaraderie of the occasion.

THAT was the ONLY time I smoked.
Over 30 years, I probably had a total of two packs of cigarettes.

Smoking, per se, interests me not. It would be approx 20 years' since my last 'smoke'!
Yes. I have up smoking 2 and a half years ago. I would never go back to smoking
by AJ
No, I’ve never smoked, & all these 40 + years since I was a teenager, I’ve thought how great it was that I’ve saved all that ‘smoking money’ for my cruising & Swatch watch collection! And I’ve never owned a car, so I’ve also saved that money as well by not having to pay for car rego & insurance, etc!
No. I've never smoked and never wanted to.
No. I have never smoked.
Yes. I started too young, smoked for thirty something years, Quit cold turkey nine years ago just to prove I could. Haven't had one since! However, during a check-up last year the doctors found a spot on my lung. It was cancer. So it had to come out. I'm fine now but I wish I had never started smoking in the first place! To all you non-smokers, keep up the good work, lead by example. To those who smoke, try to stop, it's only as hard as you make it. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
No. Never smoked. Never saw the point.
by Rice
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