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Are you a procrastinator?

by annep (follow)
Psychology (10)      Selfhelp (1)     
Image: Stuart Miles - freedigitalphotos.net

For some of us, waiting until the last minute to start working and ending up pulling an all-nighter to chase after deadlines is nothing new. We all know that it's bad, we just can't help ourselves.

What about you? Have you ever found yourself making excuses to put things off?

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I do it all the time. Sometimes I just tell myself I can do it later and it will be just fine. Then when I have to stay up all night with a cup of coffee, I always regret it and tell myself I won't do it next time only for the same thing to happen again and again. I guess it's because of a lack of self-discipline?
Yes, especially when it comes to doing things I need to do on the computer. For example, I'll log on to do some banking and twenty minutes later I still haven't done it because I've found something interesting to read online.
Generally I am not, yet at this time of year - staying motivated is starting to become difficult. 2013 has been a full on year. Come to think of it, I sometimes procrastinate on the editing work here on HG, and also with my book marketing where I am so lazy and disinterested.
No, definitely not. I know what I want and I generally go for it. I am not much of a planner either, generally fly by the seat of my pants.
Human Nature nothing new.

I like to get things done. I use to wizz around, and it was all done in record time.
Now I just wizz around my head! and keep saying''in a minute I will get it done''?
Some hours later....it's still sitting there.
I saw this question a few hours ago but only just got around to responding to it so yes.
Absolutely. I am a procrastinator but occasional pep talks to my lazy soul help me to roll up my socks and get things done.
Sometimes. I am currently doing a short online course and I haven't brought myself to do it in over a month... but I can't procrastinate when it comes to things like housework. In fact, the house is never cleaner than when I'm thinking about doing my course.
by Vee
Probably some of the time.
by Finy
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