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Are you a one, two or even three car family?

by Finy (follow)
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one car family
Photo: Vlado -www.freedigitalphotos.com

How many cars are there in your household?

Most people seem to have one each, or do you manage with one between you?

Do you have one, two or perhaps three cars in your household?

Do you really need that second or third car, and why?

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One. There are four of us but at the moment only one of us can drive so that's all we need. Just as well since we wouldn't have anywhere to put a second car anyway.
That's all we need.

by Finy
I am also a one car house with one person!
When there were two, we always had 2 cars as we didn't always go to the same places together.
by Finy
We were one for the last year but my partner just got a car. For his work mainly.
For many years we used to have two cars, although only one of us drives. The reason for this is that when my grandma died, my dad inherited her car. He then got rid of her car, but because my grandpa's sight was going, he could no longer drive, and gave his car to Dad too.

When our car of almost twenty-five years finally gave up, we go rid of that, and now we just have one.
We had one in India. We are yet to buy 1 in melbourne.
We're a two car family. My wife does shoping & taking our daughters here n' there.I like to keep my car clean inside & out so I don't give rides to my grand kids. The make of the car does't matter but I like to drive rather that taking a train or a bus I don't mind sitting in a traffic jam but I'm all alone in my car & I like that environment rather than sitting among other people in a 'public Transport'. Sometimes watching people with their dreadful habits,their lack of personal hygine & other habits gets mu BP high & I'd rather avoiod that.I just like my privacy in my car.

We have one car per person in our household. My husband has a car for work; we have a family car for the family, which I use most while Hubby is at work; and Granddad has his own car too because he needs a special contraption on his steering wheel to help him drive.
by Vee
My partner has two cars - one a sports luxury and the other a ute. I have my faithful hatch which I find is useful for me as it allows me to transport my dogs to the vet, carry lots of shopping as well as 3 or 4 passengers.
Fifi -i have a fairly new car but no one can go in the back seats as have had a dog cover made for my dogs and is not so clean!
by Finy
We just have one. As we live quite close to the city and there's a lot of buses and a train station nearby, we don't really need a second car.
One car, two bikes (to try and even out the damage!)
2 cars.
We have three. My hatchback is called the shopping trolley and handy transporting my dogs to vets etc, the ute is called the half-car but is handy for picking up and moving loads and the Monaro is the 'flashy' car and used for special occasions like Weddings and Funerals and hardly leaves the garage.
FIVE car! Husband has sedan, we've a 4WD, I've a sedan & both kids have their own sedans!
Our mechanic rubs his hands with glee whenever we book a car appointment! Lol!
Ours is a one car household. We live close to the railway station so can make use of public transport.
No longer need a car as I don't drive. After my husband's death I gave our brand new car to my son as he was planning to upgrade his car at the time.
We've always been a 1 car family. We have a 22/23 year old car.
by Miro
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