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Are you a MOODY person?

by Finy (follow)
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Are you a moody person?

#Moody person
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When I was younger I was definitely moody.

However, with age, I seem to have lost that.

I used to be in a "strange" mood for no reason that I could work out, but perhaps it was hormones as it has disappeared along with the hormones!
by Finy
I definitely have good moods and bad moods but I think everyone has different moods. If I am in a bad mood it tends not to last long
by AJ
No I am not and I find it hard to maintain friendships with people who are.
Ladies often suffer from PMS moodiness which is understandable but constant moodiness is hard to bear.
by Gia
I'm not a moody person. I'm not easily ticked off. I'm quiet sometimes and peppy at other times. But all in all very approachable, if I may say so myself.
Thank goodness I'm not!

I have to run away from those who are.....they do my head in big time.
One minute they are fine, the next they are not.
I get confused badly, and that is upsetting.
No! I am very even-tempered and easy going! I will do anything posible to pass this on to others,by being cheerful and compassionate. I think that being moody must be rather exhausting when I really think about it! I wonder if it burns more calories to be moody! Ha ha ha ha!!!!!
Not really 'moody' as in quiet and depressed but I can be temperamental at times, most of the time however I am friendly and happy.
by fran
Everyone is moody in some way or other.
Only when I've been prevented, by circumstances, of doing something I've wanted to do. Gives me the sterks!
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