Are you a messy eater?
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I am actually not generally a messy eater.
For many years, my partner objected to eating in front of the TV so we always ate at this huge dining table.
When we split the first thing I did was eat while watching TV in a comfortable chair!
I am probably a bit messier since then as it is not quite so easy to eat on your lap however over the years, I have got used to it and spill very little and even play games on my i pad while eating lunch!
Talk about Multi-tasking!!! But then, isn't that what we women are supposed to be so good at?!!!!
Can I just say . . . isn't that what b00bs are for . . . . . catching food??? LOL. It's usually a race to see who ruins their clothes first!! My son in law and myself are chronic food spillers. I always know the exact spot to pre-treat my tops before washing if I have eaten in them.
Lucky You!!! I was never the well-endowed one in my family, so I have not been blessed to know the truth of this!! I can see that it would definitely be an asset to have a decent sized bust!!
Yes.sadly, I often miss my mouth, because it is quite small.
So for years I have to eat very slowly, small amounts of food...half of what any normal person would eat.
When out eating with family or friends, I am Always the last one to finish...
Eating for me is such a I have a few small meals, if hungry.
It depends what you mean by ' messy '. My husband seems to think so, and says he cant take me anywhere. I seem to get drops down the front of my shirt no matter what I eat. It's usually only one drop, but he notices it. My breasts catch it every time. They act like a natural bib and catch everything that falls down my front.
I don't think I'm a messy eater
yep! thats y i dont do a meal on date #1
Aaaah!~!! That is so funny!!! Love it!!! Bless you!
I don't think I am, I mean I may have little spills.
Working in the retail I have seen some messy eaters worse than kids,actually some people eat like pigs, I don't know how they make such a mess, or it may be they know they don't have to clean it up.
No, I am a fairly restrained eater! But then, I do only put small amounts of food into my mouth at any time, rather than overfill my spoons and forks!! I find that, as per Murphy's Law, if I am wearing white or something very special, the chances that I shall spill food, increase!!!
Murphy has a LOT to answer for. Heeheehee
I dont think so...
However, soup and I are not great friends and I tend to spill that far too often.. especially pumpkin soup when I am wearing a white top!
So perhaps I am a messy eater??? who knows lol
I always prefer to use a napkin to protect my clothes and wipe my mouth when eating. I frequently change my clothes before cooking if I have been handling the animals or doing dirty work. The likely hood of spilling food on my clothes when eating seems to be highest when I have just put on a clean white top.
Amen to that! Conversely, I always seem to manage to get toothpaste on a clean black top as well.
I'm beginning to have the stains I used to notice on Mum's clothes.
yes, I know what you mean! Now I am getting older I to seem to be more careless with food, I see myself missing my mouth like my elderly Mum, OMG!
No but I am a super messy, hurricane cook. The harder I try to keep things clean the messy it gets!
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