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Are you a Mac person or a PC person?

by dom a (follow)
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Mac image

It appears that the world is divided into two. On one side we have people loyal to PCs, while on the other side we have people who swear by their Macs.

There was a time when Macs were mainly the domain of graphic designers and schools. But that has changed in recent years, especially with Windows now being Mac compatible.

Which one are you - Mac or PC?

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For a long time I swore by PCs and hated Macs. Now it's the reverse. Macs have such lovely graphics and don't suffer from viruses as often. If they weren't so expensive in comparison, I'm sure they'd take over.
My sentiments exactly!
by Vee
PC gal. Wish there was a hybrid and that they didn't have to be enemies!
Have to use both a Mac and a PC for my work. Personally I prefer the Mac - still a graphic designers best friend. The laptop is easy to use on the train too.
I wanted a Mac but that meant new software...so I stayed with the PC - however I have been introduced to the Ipad - and I am loving it, so it won't take long before I get myself a MAC! ;)
can't help myself.
Definitely a PC girl, although I do have an iPhone and occasionally use my son's iPad.
Both - when I do Graphic Design a Mac is by far faster and more efficient, but for day-to-day internet usage, either would be fine. PCs are cheaper, so that probably has a lot to do with what someone will buy. If you're not going to work on high-end graphics, there may not be much of a point in forking out extra thousands of dollars on a Mac, except that they look so good.
I have liked PC for the last 15 years however a few years ago my kids talked me into getting an i phone.
I had always said I didnt want Apple, only because it was something new to learn.
However I now have an I pad and absolutely love apple.
However when I bought my last PC I looked at Apple and they look much nicer, however I still would have had to put Windows on for an accounting package I use and Word and Excel, so I decided that was defeating the purpose, so didn't buy the Apple.
by Finy
PC's all the way for me...
Definitely a PC person. Makes things a lot easier! I'd consider a Mac, but they just don't seem as natural!
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