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Are you a keen observer of politics?

by carolyncordon (follow)
Carolyn Cordon Positively Positive Prose! mickjaneandme.wordpress.com/
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Are you a keen observer of politics, or does it bore you?

#Government works
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I am a keen observer and have a great interest in watching parliament and watching how are political future unfolds. I do believe some law must be passed to stop the knifing and back stabbing. It does not show a good example to our young people or create a stable country.
Despite having done two years as a politics and policy major at uni I don't really follow politics that closely.
I have to admit, I'm quite a bit of a political junkie - I watch it all unfold on TV and listen to it on ABC radio ...I am fascinated and horrified in equal measure, depending on who's speaking and what they're saying. It's a crazy business, politics.
If you mean in the sense of being in the audience at a circus then yes, I do observe politics. :)

Yes, clowns all right, the scary kind of clowns, sometimes ...
If you mean in the sense of being in the audience at a circus then yes, I do observe politics. :)

Oops! Posted twice. Don't know how to remove it!
It happens all the time. Don't worry about it.
Not as keen as some people, but I like to have some idea what's going on in the world.
Yes indeed - the ignorance of some people is quite scary to me at times. How can so many people ignore the important events that are going on in parliament? And I deeply believe that unless you vote, you have no right to complain!
It makes me

Mad !!!

Yes, I am a keen observer of politics and I believe it matters to us all. I like to give my views where I can.

Not a 'keen observer', but an informed one, at all times.
Its like I have no choice. What can I say.
by Gia
I am interested and watch parliament sometimes on tv. I am not interested in anyone belonging to their families, with which we are bombarded with on the TV and newspapers etc.
Thank you all for your replies, everyone!
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