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Are you a hugger or a non hugger?

by Finy (follow)
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Are you the hugging type or do you prefer not to hug friends?

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I am a hugger, but it often depends on the other person -if they are not a hugger I will also not be a hugger -however I like it when friends hug each other -it feels nice!
by Finy
I have good friends I've known for years and we hug on greeting. I really like it.
Yes I am a hugger but also intuitively know who is open to this...you get a vibe
by Fran
I'm a hugger. I'm affectionate with friends and family, but wouldn't hug random people I barely know. I love hugging, but I draw the line :-)
I like to hug, but I will not do so if I sense that it will make the other person uncomfortable.

Always and forever and ever and ever :)
sending jonaj big hugs!
by Finy
sending Finy BIG HUGS :)
by jonaja
I'm a non-hugger. I really dislike anyone invading my personal space. I used to live in Belgium and there everyone greets anyone with a hug and three cheek kisses. It was hell for me. On very rare occasions if a close friend is upset I will hug them but that's it.
No hugs for me please.
It depends on who the hugee is! Close friends and family get hugs but not people I don't know well. Guess I'm a partial hugger!
I am a huger with people I like - I don't like hugging people I meet for the first time.
by AJ
I'm a hugger, but only the members of my family know this.
And everybody on Hubgarden. :P
by Vee
Depends on hugee.
by Vee
Yeah, non-hugger I'm afraid... Wasn't brought up to hug and I find it awkward when others at work hug the oldies... I feel a bit left out...
I don't remember being hugged much when I was little. My Mum died when I was young, so I didn't get to feel the genuine hugging warmth of a mother. When I was 17 and my new Stepmother's daughter (alot older) met me, she gave me such a bearhug, I was shocked! I was shocked because I LOVED the feeling in being enveloped in this feeling of love and acceptance. Ever since, I hug everyone I love, especially children.
I am a hugger but only to my family and real friends. Bought up in a loving european family where kisses and hugs are a plenty. Love seeing couples holding hands, Nice to show affection where it is warranted.
I am a hugger only with close people. Not random 'friends'
I'm a hugger, but I respect the fact that some others are not. A wanted hug initiates changes in our brains which are beneficial to our physical health and mood.

I have immediate family with ADHD who find an unsolicited hug similar to being engulfed in a claustrophobic wave of sensory overload.

We're all different.

Hugger! A good way to connect with friends.
I am a hugger and kisser, I was brought up in a european background so we allways greated with hugs and kisses.
It depend who the person is. I have a friend that doesnt like affection and the only time I hug her is when Im going on a trip. I only hug good people and my family
I am not a hugger of aquaintances.I remember lovely comforting hugs from my grandmother and mother. I find the social custom of hugging or kissing everyone quite invasive. I have a close friends who understand this and politely skips me when doing the rounds. She does it so nicely I feel comforted by her lack of hugs- very strange. Sometimes I feel like hugging and sometimes not- I must be a difficult person to be around.
It may come from having my boundaries invaded as a child. I can be a prickly adult.
I love hugging my husband but with other people I'm not a hugger, I don't know why.
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