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Are you a good swimmer, and can you do OVERARM easily?

by Finy (follow)
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Are you a good, strong swimmer?

Can you do proper overarm?

#Swim overarm
#Good swimmer
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I used to be a very strong swimmer.

I am out of practise now, and cannot swim far.
I am however, able to do proper overarm as when I was a teenager in Sydney I went to Bondi Beach every weekend, all weekend (and am paying for it now with skin problems!).

I loved swimming in my youth and would spend hours in the water, till my skin went wrinkly.
by Finy
Unfortunately no, which is why the shore and I are close friends
by Gia
I have never been able to swim,though I did try on more occasions than I can count to learn how to!!! I nearly drowbed as a very young child,and somehow,never managed to et over the fear of water on my face!! It is only since my 40's that I would actually let the shower pour over my actual face,and I would gasp and splutter like a drowning fool when water even got near my nose!!!! I am now able to at least manage THIS thank heavens,but it took a lot to overcome that dreadful feeling. Here I am,with no fear of spiders or critters at all,but threaten to get my face submerged and I panic,REALLY panic!
Can't do a really good overarm, but strong swimmer I am...non the less.

Lived at Coogee Beach, and was at the beach every day except Christmas!
Swimming is one of the best sports.
We used to live near each other!
by Finy
I lived on Beach street! isn't life funny :)
by jonaja
I am not a strong swimmer - I enjoy swimming but I have never swam regularly
by AJ
I am not a good swimmer at all.
by Vee
I used to do a lot of swimming for fitness (5 years ago) but didn't do overarm, was a breastroke and backstroke person...
by fran
Was my School's both Senior Champion & Open Champion, two years' in a row.
I take it by 'over arm' you mean Freestyle & not Butterfly?
These awards were for Freestyle, Breastroke & Backstroke. Weren't allowed 'Butterfly' as too 'manly'! But I could do it very well.
Held a 50m Breastroke record which I set at 14. It took another 18 years until it was broken, & then by only one-tenth of a second!
Yes, I was an excellent sprinter-swimmer, not long distance.
Still enjoy swimming & next Summer might try for a place in Masters' Games! One can still dream!
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