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Are you a fan of vintage cars?

by Gia (follow)
Cars (50)      Vintage (6)      Automobile (5)     
Classic Car Source: morgueFile

I am a huge fan of things made in the 40's-60's. One of my favorites being the cars. They were made with such artistry and durable function. Are you a fan of vintage or classic cars?

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Yes, it's beautiful to look at a lovingly restored vintage car. I enjoy going to car shows when they're on display.
I'm not, no, but my dad is a collector of vintage TOY cars if that counts ….

He has masses of them, nothing from after the mid 30s and all in mint condition.
I can greatly appreciate them, but not a fan really.
That is something I leave for one little car.
Which I have loved since I first got in one, as a child in 1962.
Oh! jonaj, little car looks kinda familiar! What is it?
by donjo
It is the Ford Anglia made in England 1959 to mid 1960's. Was in the Harry Potter movies in light Blue.
by jonaja
I'm not particularly interested in cars, but I do think vintage cars can look quite nice, and I find them more interesting that modern cars.
I like to see them but I'm not really a big fan. I rather more modern vehicles.
by Vee
I love history in general. I know nothing about cars, but it doesn't stop me from admiring a perfect restoration or even a work in progress. It takes time, knowledge and passion to rebuild a classic car.
My maternal Grandparents' owned a beautiful Armstrong-Siddley car.
Leather seats & Walnut dash! It always smelled beautiful!
My sister had it as her Wedding car, in 1957.

They don't makem' like THAT anymore, unless you pay zillions $$$$!
No. I did have a couple of vintage Rolls Royces on my wedding day though, but that was more fir elegance factor. I much prefer a vintage car on my wedding day than those stretch Hummers. They are so ugly those cars.
I absolutely love the oldies, the antiques and the veteran vehicles, a few newbies but only as one day they will be old too. i have a collection of Coca Cola, Auto-memoribilla, Toys, Boating, Tools, Electricials and Photos, plus a few Books, all from the past, with a huge portion of my collections pre 60's. If I could, I would have one of every car ever made, not just the classics, as all old things are beautiful to me. Wish I kept the old pre 70's Fords and Chevs I used to own, hotrod and restore.
Some are beautiful.
My late Grandfather had an Armstrong-Siddeley. I loved being in it with the smell of leather, & walnut!
It was used as my sister's Wedding Car, in 1957!
I've always loved vintage cars. I think they're beautiful!. We used to go to Macquarie St & 1/2 of Collage St, (Sydney, NSW) to look at them every Australia Day. If I see them now, out & about, I'll try & get a photo of them. No, I'm not doing the driving, my husband is!) I don't know which ones I love better, vintage or classic!
by Miro
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