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Are you a controlling or argumentative type of person?

by Finy (follow)
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Are you a controlling type of person?

Are you an argumentative type of person?

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I am rather controlling, though not overly -I think in a way everyone is slightly controlling as we mostly want our own way.

I am argumentative, particularly when it comes to politics and religion! Both of these are easy to argue about.
by Finy
I am slightly controlling (have had to be in control as a sole parente with my son since he was 18 months old)...and, have been rather argumentative in the past but nowadays..whether I am mellowing or what....I don't seem to be, just can't be bothered really, everyone has their opinion and I don't want hassles anymore...I tend to just avoid that person or situation (not the best solution, especially if it is a family member)
by Fran
I used to be a bit more controlling than I am now. After getting married and having children, I have learned that there are alternative ways of doing things than being in control all the time. I do have my opinions but I don't assert them on anyone.
Having kids has taught me to be much less controlling - they need to learn from their own mistakes and sometimes it's tricky to let them do this (within reason).
by Lucy
I can be a bit of both. Unfortunately at times it is very to rise me if I have a particular interest in a topic - much to the amusement of my family members!
by AJ
I'm not a 'argumentative type' of person.
It takes a bit to get me going really.

If I find someone is 'trying to upset me' or they are trying to be 'smart', I will after a while say something.
As far as 'Controlling'', yes I control what happens in my life, to the very best I can.Only because I have had too.

Not out of choice, that's for sure. How we deal with people is the key, not who is right who is wrong.
I try to take into consideration that they have their own feelings about life, even
when it is 100% correct or totally dead wrong.

What I have found in these days of ours how are people are less 'willing'' to hear more than their own ideas.

I am a teeny bit controlling, just because I like everything to run smoothly. I don't consider myself argumentative, really don't like fighting.
I used to be argumentative, but I have mellowed out in recent years.
by Vee
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