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Are women more likely to be shopaholics than men?

by Ennvy.c (follow)
Shopping (184)      Fashion (139)     
Women have always been stereotyped as the shopaholic gender, but is this really true? In the 2009 American romantic comedy film, Confessions of Shopaholic; Rebecca Bloomwood (Isla Fisher) is a shopping addict whose buying sprees have landed her in immense debt. Later she lands a job as an advice columnist at a financial magazine. But her bank account is running dry and as she staggers on the brink of bankruptcy, she gradually begins to reassess her priorities in life.

“I love new clothes. If everyone could just wear new clothes everyday, I reckon depression wouldn’t exist anymore.”
― Sophie Kinsella, Confessions of a Shopaholic

Do you think women are more likely to be shopaholics than men?
Or do you think this is just another gender stereotype generated by the market and Hollywood?
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It is a bit of a stereotype, but I actually think it is true that more women might become shopaholics than men.

Perhaps it is something to do with our ingrained 'hunter/gatherer' tendencies, whereby women enjoy the gather, and therefore take time to find the items they want, whereas men enjoy the hunt of finding something they need quickly and easily - thus not really enjoying the whole shopping experience at all.
They are all very thoughtful answers! and I must agree with everyone's ideas. I think it's a stereotype that's been played out in the media but at the same time there are some truths behind it. Like Jennifer mentioned, women are expected to wear more of a variety of clothes. I could see how that is similar to my experiences. For example I am going to a friend's wedding soon and I had to shop for a new dress because I didn't want to wear the same dress I wore to another friend's wedding, or wear the dress that I went to her engagement party in -it just doesn't look good. Where as my partner, he can wear the same suit on all occasions (and I must admit I did quite like shopping for something new).
Yes I think so. Women (many of us) get into a state of trance, where we absolutely enjoy ourselves and become impulsive purchasers, all thanks to retail therapy. We have a tendency to hang around shopping centres, of which can become social meccas conducive to being shopaholics. I mean, although an American film: "Confessions of a Shopaholic," derives such a case in point. All the way Y E S. Image sourced from the Confessions of a Shopaholic Facebook page.
I like the books in the Shopaholic series, especially Shopaholic and Baby.

I think women are probably more likely to become addicted to shopping than men. Firstly it's because women do more shopping than men, not just for themselves but for their families. It's usually women who end up buying clothing for their children, basics like underpants for their spouses who otherwise keep wearing the same old ones full of holes, Christmas presents to give on behalf of their partners as well as from them etc.

Then there's the fact that we are expected to wear more of a variety of clothing than men. If my husband and I are going out to, say, the opera, and getting dressed up he can just wear his work shoes. I would look ridiculous if I combined my sensible, clunky flat soled work shoes with an evening dress so I need a pair of heels. We are expected to have more types of shoes and more different outfits than men, and we get mocked if we don't and mocked if we do. You can't win.
I think it's just gender stereotype. Men might not go shopping on clothes / shoes, accessories, etc in retail shops or supermarket like how most women do but they are equally shopaholics in online-shopping sphere buying gadgets, electronics, games, etc.... and based on what I've witnessed, men tend to make a purchase or seal a deal quicker than women do.
Lol yes I think that is still the case! Love all those books!
Men on the whole do not like shopping for this and that.

Women see it as therapy!

Men hate running from one shop to another.......women like it

Yes women can be total Shopaholics!!!

It's a proven fact...women love to shop, and that it is women shop more than a man will.

It's a problem, that happens and for many reasons.
A woman can have $5.00 in her purse, and manage to buy some 'goodies'.

A man...he will more than likely think he is broke.
Women love things, and we have ideas, and we act on our ideas.

I do feel sorry for women who blow the budget!

That's just sad....but, we normally can keep things well and truly under control.Some women shop due to stress, or a problem, or just because there are bargains to be had.
Some, don't have a life!....so they go shopping, and you see them on a Saturday at a shopping Mall.Wandering around, and around, and around.

I could go on for ages what men do, so really who cares.

At least they are having fun, and if it gets out of hand, believe me someone is always there at some time in their lives, to say ''your addicted to shopping''!

Addictions come and go, it's is a sign of the times we all live in.
Yes, women tend to be 'shopaholics', as it appeals to their brain make-up.

Very few men are, as it's really not in their 'gene makeup'.

I've seen the totally bored looks on men's' faces when they're with their female partners/ wives, when out shopping, being dragged from shop to shop.
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