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Are we too dependent on our computers?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you find you are spending more and more time on your computer?

Do you think we are too dependent now on our computers?

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I am definitely too dependent on my computer.

I recently stopped working full time in a charity shop, and find myself on the computer a large part of the day.
This includes my i pad where I play games quite often.

I cannot not imagine life without the Internet and emails/games!
by Finy
I am quite dependent. If my kids ask me question I don't know I usually tell them to Google it! I also find I do have to limit my internet use.
Yes, unfortunately! I am on my computer almost half the time every day - thanks to uni and business stuff :( I wish I could get away from my computer from the weekend.
Xarah, that is work related -mine is purely pleasure!
by Finy
I think so, way too dependent. My entire business is on and/or relies on the Internet...
Yes I do think so, however this can be a good thing and a bad thing in my opinion....fine if it is used sensibly for business, for moderate social interaction and research, however I think one should guard against it becoming an 'addiction' to the exclusion of living 'real life' out there....
by Fran
Yes I do think so, however this can be a good thing and a bad thing in my opinion....fine if it is used sensibly for business, for moderate social interaction and research, however I think one should guard against it becoming an 'addiction' to the exclusion of living 'real life' out there....
by Fran
Yes I do think so, however this can be a good thing and a bad thing in my opinion....fine if it is used sensibly for business, for moderate social interaction and research, however I think one should guard against it becoming an 'addiction' to the exclusion of living 'real life' out there....
by Fran
I spend quite a lot of time on the computer for both business and pleasure. There is a part of me that wishes they didn't exist, but now that I have one, I can't help but use it.
by Vee
Way too dependent :)
I am WAY too dependent on my computer and I think my bottom is now showing signs of becoming square like my chair!

Our lives revolve around technology and sharing knowledge via technology to a great extent. It is difficult to distance oneself from the virtual world but important to do so for our own well-being.

I spend a lot of time on my computer, but if I didn't have one I am sure I would get by.
I personally probably spend too much time on my computer. I know that also, people at work find any excuse to waste time at a computer, one of the biggest offenders are nursing staff. Their time at computers takes them away from the main body of their work - the patient's body. There are people employed at a very low wage to sit at computers in hospitals & enter the same data that nurses enter. They are sometimes called ward clears and sometimes data entry clerks. However, it is an impossible task to get nurses to move from offices back onto the ward to nurse patients. This problem is endemic in most countries and must cost public and private hospitals a fortune in wages for professionals to wast their time at computers. IMO Computers are great time wasters and every expensive ones at that.
I think that computers do some amazingly good things. But life is also for living - and that means not using a computer. Getting out and about is much more satisfying!
Yes & Yes, but I'm sure we'd adapt if they were taken away. We managed without them before, so we could manage without them again - once we got through the thousands of plane crashes and corporate disasters etc.... Probably be a drastic reduction in stress after that too, I imagine....
by kimp
yes I do spend too much time on the computer/internet
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